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[fixed] Shadowmourne Aura affect?

Guest SysGaming

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ahh you must be refering to

// Item - Shadowmourne Legendary

case 71903:


if (!roll_chance_i(triggerAmount))

return false;

Aura *aur = GetAura(71905, EFFECT_INDEX_0);

if (aur && uint32(aur->GetStackAmount() + 1) >= aur->GetSpellProto()->StackAmount)



CastSpell(this, 71904, true); // Chaos Bane

return true;



Im not :P

Im refering the the VISUAL AFFECT --

This happens as you gain stacks and has two visual affects




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From what i can see its caused by;

if (apply)


if(GetStackAmount()== 1)

caster->AddAura(72521, caster); //add aura 1

if(GetStackAmount() == 6)


caster->RemoveAura(72521); //remove aura 1

caster->CastSpell(caster, 72523, false); //add aura 2


if(GetStackAmount() == 10) //final BOOM(Chaosbann)


caster->RemoveAura(72523); //remove aura 2

caster->RemoveAura(71905); //remove shards

caster->CastSpell(caster, 71904, false); //Chaosban-aoe

caster->CastSpell(caster, 73422, false); //Chaosban-buff




if (!apply && aurApp->GetRemoveMode()!= AURA_REMOVE_BY_STACK)


caster->RemoveAura(72521); //remove aura 1

caster->RemoveAura(72523); //remove aura 2


But i have NO idea how to implement this into mangos o.O

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Sorry, just woke up so this might be completely bullshit, but seems to me this should work (or atleast partially)

// Item - Shadowmourne Legendary
case 71903:
  if (!roll_chance_i(triggerAmount))
     return false;

Aura *aur = GetAura(71905, EFFECT_INDEX_0);
if(GetStackAmount()== 1)
  caster->AddAura(72521, caster);

if(GetStackAmount() == 6)
     caster->CastSpell(caster, 72523, false);
if (aur && uint32(aur->GetStackAmount() + 1) >= aur->GetSpellProto()->StackAmount)
     CastSpell(this, 71904, true); // Chaos Bane
     return true;

added part is between


don't try to use it, i know it's wrong but i need some caffeine before fixing it :P

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Darkruler did i ever tell you i love you? >.>

no you didn't :P

not tested this, but atleast it compiles

Aura *aur = GetAura(71905, EFFECT_INDEX_0);
+	if (aur && uint32(aur->GetStackAmount()) == 1)
+		CastSpell(this, 72521, false);       // First Effect
+	if (aur && uint32(aur->GetStackAmount()) == 6)
+	{
+		RemoveAurasDueToSpell(72521);       // remove First Effect
+		CastSpell(this, 72523, false);       // Second Effect
+	}
if (aur && uint32(aur->GetStackAmount() + 1) >= aur->GetSpellProto()->StackAmount)
+		RemoveAurasDueToSpell(72523);       // remove Second Effect
	RemoveAurasDueToSpell(71905);       // remove Shards
	CastSpell(this, 71904, true);       // Chaos Bane
	return true;

This is the first time i write something for a spell, before this i've only made custom configs for various stuff, so i would appreciate it if someone more experienced can respond on this :P

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