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scriptdev2 does not start

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  • 40 years later...

Ok, open your mangos git folder, browse to \\src\\bindings\\ copy sd2 snv clone (the scriptdev2 folder not only the single files in there) and compile mangos and then sd2.

After both is compiled, you can use the files in \\bin\\Win32_Release\\ to start mangos

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I download visual c++ 2008 and the generation that I obtain the error here:

Extracting revision

Le chemin d'accès spécifié est introuvable.

Project : error PRJ0019: Un outil a retourné un code d'erreur à partir de "Extracting revision".

Help me please

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Compile mangos and then sd2, both in the same configuration (both in release or debug and both in 32bit or 64bit)

Your folder should look like this: C:\\dataz\\mangos\\src\\bindings\\scriptdev2\\and heres your sd2 projectfile

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