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Airspeed taxi

Guest virusav

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One compared the speed to taxi on Mangos and on the official server (on video) on quests and came to the conclusion that the speed is different: at Mangos quest flying mounts faster.

I stumbled on this problem when trying to implement the quests http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9718 and http://www.wowhead.com/quest=12028.

According to the player's quest 12028 47189 cast a spell lasting 2:40, the flight to taxi a little less (on the official server), and on the flight Mangos 1:40, ie a minute less.

At the end of the spell quest must be completed, but due to the difference in a minute quest will not work correctly.

Spell 47190 811 runs a taxi, who during the flight is 6 Events, each of which I have ordered a phrase that NPC should speak to the player.

Timing your move in every point with the start of the opening event of the flight on the official server and Mangos.

By dividing the relevant periods of time have come to the conclusion that the rate at Mangos should be 1.6 times smaller.

The database found the NPC on the two quests, which serve as mounts with the invisible model.

 17972 - Invisible Mount Speed 30
21396 - Invisible Mount Speed 20 

By default speed taxi:

 # define PLAYER_FLIGHT_SPEED 32.0f 

In the quest 12028 21396 Mount.

If we take into account that in the name of the specified speed while mounted on it for a taxi, find the deceleration rate: 32 / 20 = 1.6, which coincides with the calculated value.

I made changes to the kernel:

inline float Traveller <Player>:: Speed ()
   if (i_traveller.isInFlight ())
       float PlayerFlightSpeed = PLAYER_FLIGHT_SPEED;
       if (! i_traveller.m_taxi.empty ()) (
           switch (i_traveller.m_taxi.GetCurrentTaxiPath ()) (
               case 512: / / Stormcrow Amulet - spell 31606
                   PlayerFlightSpeed = 30.0f;
               case 811: / / Toalu'u's Spiritual Incense - spell 47190
                   PlayerFlightSpeed = 20.0f;
       return PlayerFlightSpeed;
       return i_traveller.GetSpeed (i_traveller.m_movementInfo.HasMovementFlag (MOVEFLAG_WALK_MODE)? MOVE_WALK: MOVE_RUN);

As a result, the player continues to fly the entire route for 1:40, but after landing, there are not NPC, objects, the player actually sits on an invisible mounted.

It lasts about a minute.

Event to run, as it should.

It turns out that changing real flight player on the server, and the visual representation of the client remains the same.

1. Maybe should be sent to the client any package to change the speed, for example, MSG_MOVE_SET_FLIGHT_SPEED, etc.?

2. Can I change the speed not the Traveller <Player>:: Speed (), and in the description of effect spell, which is imposed on a player in the early flight?

3. Has anyone seen another taxi without mounts or a rate different from the official server?

4. Is it possible to make the NPC say the phrase in the player, regardless of distance, for example, by guid NPC? In the quest to 12028 player flies away, so much of phrases he speaks.

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