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what epoch is mangos using?

Guest seanb

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Trying to figure out what the dates are referencing in the DB. Sometimes there's an actual timestamp, but the majority of the time it appears to be a count after an epoch.

I'm using a windows system, so i'm thinking the standard would be Jan 1 1600, but the number is too small for that i think.

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We were having a discussion a couple days ago about timestamps being stored in the DB.

I stated that it was using a unsigned 64bit unix epoch timestamp, which is the number of seconds that have passed since 1970-01-01. Nobody corrected me in my assumption of unix epoch being the timestamp, and it maskes sense because MaNGOS is primiarily developed under *nix environements

To verify what I've said you can take one of your DB timestamps and throw it into http://www.unixtimestamp.com/

So if you have a 32bit system you'll need to upgrade before 2038, if your running a 64bit OS wikipedia states "293 billion representable years" (haven't done the math myself tho)

Edit: I had originally posted signed, I meant Unsigned and didn't notice until after Valdimir's post, hope I didn't confuse anyone

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