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Vote kick system!

Guest wow4

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Say someone is speed hacking and there are no GMs online your a player who see that person hacking

so this will add a command that any player can use .kickvote "player name" after a set number of people do that it will kick or ban the person for a set number of time

want to try to make this but need to know some things

Do you think this is a good idea?

Where would I start at?

Can this be done in a simple way?

I might need help from someone who know more about this part of the core

Thank you :)

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thats why you make it 5 or 10 reports needed from other accounts

idk on blizz realms they added the thing to vote to kick player from the group

maybe it should only kick the the reported player out of the BG or arena so they have to wait 15 mins to join a other one

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well, if you think of a server with more than let's say 50 people, I am sure there often will be cases where 10 people agree to bully one player - and so this one would be kicked ..

and increasing the number also won't help, because most likely hackers won't hack in areas where everyone will see them

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