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Need help with client crashes

Guest ankso

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Hi guys,

Since a few weeks, I have been a problem with my server. I'm using my own modified custom branch with a lot of patches. The problem is that, when I invite a warlock/hunter/DK, even a mage, and the player has his pet summoned, and it's on a different map, client crash (with this report http://pastebin.org/380165 ). Client doesn't crash allways, it seems random, but I'm sure it isn't. So, I need help to found where it's handled in mangos the packets that are sent to the client (because this crashes are caused by a bad packet, aren't they?) when someone enters in a group with a pet summoned, and compare the original sources with my sources.Thanks in advance ^^

P.D.: Here is my branch, you can take a look if you want, but it's a little bit unestable right now: http://github.com/Ankso/mangos

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if ( vehicleSeatId < g_VehicleSeatDB.minIndex || vehicleSeatId > g_VehicleSeatDB.maxIndex )
   vehicleSeatEntry = 0;
   vehicleSeatEntry = g_VehicleSeatDB.Rows[vehicleSeatId - g_VehicleSeatDB.minIndex];
v7 = *(_DWORD *)(vehicleSeatEntry + 176);        // crash here!

.text:006182A2                 mov     eax, [eax+0B0h]   // 0xB0h=176

The instruction at "0x006182A2" referenced memory at "0x000000B0".
The memory could not be "read".

Hope you figured out what is wrong...

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