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Missing Table? characters.auction

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Hi guys,

When I started my mangos-worldd I'm presented with this message:

SQL: SELECT MAX(id) FROM auction

query ERROR: Table 'characters.auction' doesn't exist

Now, I am not sure if this is critical, I assume this table is used to store auctions (items, etc). Is anyone else getting this issue, I just grabbed the latest Mangos code about an hour ago and recompiled my binaries.

MaNGOS/0.17.0 (* * Revision 10279 - *) for Linux_x64 (little-endian) [world-daemon]

I've grepped through all the SQL updates and not one of them mentions adding or even modifying a table 'characters.auction'.

Is it alright if this fails, or did I miss some SQL update somewhere?

Much appreciated for the help! <3

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Hi guys,

When I started my mangos-worldd I'm presented with this message:

SQL: SELECT MAX(id) FROM auction

query ERROR: Table 'characters.auction' doesn't exist

Now, I am not sure if this is critical, I assume this table is used to store auctions (items, etc). Is anyone else getting this issue, I just grabbed the latest Mangos code about an hour ago and recompiled my binaries.

MaNGOS/0.17.0 (* * Revision 10279 - *) for Linux_x64 (little-endian) [world-daemon]

I've grepped through all the SQL updates and not one of them mentions adding or even modifying a table 'characters.auction'.

Is it alright if this fails, or did I miss some SQL update somewhere?

Much appreciated for the help! <3

I would recommend you to reinstall your characters database. But however if you don't want to lose all of your data apply this query to your characters database :


CREATE TABLE `auction` (
 `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `houseid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `itemguid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `item_template` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Item Identifier',
 `itemowner` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `buyoutprice` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `time` bigint(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `buyguid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `lastbid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `startbid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `deposit` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
 UNIQUE KEY `item_guid` (`itemguid`)

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I would recommend you to reinstall your characters database. But however if you don't want to lose all of your data apply this query to your characters database :


CREATE TABLE `auction` (
 `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `houseid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `itemguid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `item_template` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Item Identifier',
 `itemowner` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `buyoutprice` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `time` bigint(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `buyguid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `lastbid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `startbid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 `deposit` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
 PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
 UNIQUE KEY `item_guid` (`itemguid`)

Awesome thanks, that added the missing table. I have 60 tables in my character database, does this sound right?

Did you actually install the DB before trying to apply updates? ^^

Yes lol.

I think he did because there are 4 tables before auction table :)

He is actually a she :P I've got 60 tables right now with the new auction table. I hope this is right. The funny this is a grepped through the SQL file which creates the character database and tables and this auction table wasn't in there :\\ I even looked through the SQL update files and I saw nothing :(

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Then you're doing it wrong :P

And maybe read commit log next time:


Oh snap! You're right, I see it there it's changing auctionhouse to auction. Alright, then maybe you can help me with this. Generally, I'll compile Mangos, run the characters.sql file. But how will I know which SQL files to apply in the sql/updates folder? I had kind of thought the characters.sql file would be the most up to date, but it's not. Is it best to run all the updates in the sql/updates folder (the ones outside the 0.1x folders)? Sorry for being a retard! :P

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Characters.sql should be always at latest reversion but sometimes devs forget to update it :D. Since you are starting with mangos my advice is to compile the latest version and then try to run mangos and it will tell you what you need to apply from updates folder if there is any to apply (just read slowly). Another way is to take a look at characters DB character_db_version table where you will see what was the latest sql update file imported in your char db. Just start importing every file after that. And one more thing http://github.com/mangos/mangos/blob/master/sql/updates/README for more info

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Characters.sql should be always at latest reversion but sometimes devs forget to update it :D. Since you are starting with mangos my advice is to compile the latest version and then try to run mangos and it will tell you what you need to apply from updates folder if there is any to apply (just read slowly). Another way is to take a look at characters DB character_db_version table where you will see what was the latest sql update file imported in your char db. Just start importing every file after that. And one more thing http://github.com/mangos/mangos/blob/master/sql/updates/README for more info

Thanks, I kind of figured as much. My process was to apply the Mangos characters.sql file as well as their mangos.sql file, then the one provided by UDB and then apply the Mangos SQL updates from the updates folder, does this sound about right? And then for keeping the server up-to-date would I apply just UDB updates or would I need any from Mangos as well?

I shall definitely read that Github documentation in a minute or five. Appreciate the help!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ya the best way to do it is just look at your db_version table and see it it's the most recent update in the mangos' sql folder.

Over at Project-Silvermoon we DO include these changes in our -base- tables for creation. But we don't include updates so you've always gotta be on the lookout for

updates that affect the account or character databases.

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The problem was that with that particular SQL update, if you look at it, the third query is "UPDATE auctionhouse, mangos.creature AS c, mangos.creature_template AS ct..." If your world DB isn't specifically named "mangos", this query and the rest of the update will fail. However, since this is after the "ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_..." part, mangos will still run fine.

To fix it, I just copied the update into the phpMyAdmin SQL tab, removed the first query and the second query (because these parts had already been run) and just changed "mangos" to the name of my world DB. Ran and worked fine.

@ Mangos developers: the next time you need to make an assumption like this in a SQL update, can you please check that the other DB is named what it is assumed to be? Or at the very least, use a SQL transaction so when it fails it doesn't leave the DB in a state of half-update.

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