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[dev] (binary) spell resist

Guest domingo

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I've recently played a little bit with spell resistances.

My inspiration was mostly 'well known wiki', topics about resistances, spell hit, penetration, etc ...

What this patch implements: binary spell resistance and melee/ranged spell resistances (aka Cheap Shot resist).

As I am on dead end from point of information, here I share my work: http://github.com/modom/mangos/tree/resistances

Open points (where I am at dead end because of lack of informations):

- Binary spell recognition - I think spell can be considered as binary if it has some mechanic set. It's probably wrong - there is probably some attribute that marks the spell as binary (or partially resistible). Or the decision should be done just by checking for damage effects.

- I guess that mechanic & debuff resistances should be processed in resist roll, not hit roll.

- Unavoidable overlevel resistance for partially resistible spells is set to 5 per level, but there are different informations to have this value up to 8 per level.

- 5% base resistance to crowd control mechanic: I read it somewhere, but consider it as unconfirmed (early break of cc effect is not implemented).

- I guessed that total spell resistance can go up to 100%, if victim has some mechanic/debuff resistances in addition to school resistance (for example rogue with Fleet Footed and pre-WotLK Master Poisoner talents, being enchanted with snare resist spells and having 175+ nature resistance, resisting other rogues crippling poison) - but this is wild guess, maybe 75% is total resistance that can be attained.

Anyway, this patch is intended to be used with procflag (because of spell hit part), although there are some conflicts and merged sources have to be edited a little by hand (Unit::CalcAbsorbResist() use).


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Very good idea, and what with effect mechanics? ( Frostbolt, Frost Nova, Shadowfury, Shocks etc. ) EDIT: I mean if those spells are calculated as binary on official as well.
wiki explanation on binary spells:
Spells which deal a debuff (like Frost Nova or Vampiric Embrace) or some other effect can either be resisted fully or not at all (these are binary spells).
Binary spells are spells which can only have full effect (hit) or no effect (resist); partial resists are not possible. Normally, damage spells are only binary if they have an additional non-damage effect. Some examples are Frostbolt, Death Coil, and Mind Flay.
AFAIK all player spells do have mechanic set if non-physical spell applies non-damaging debuff ... So spell is binary in my understanding if it has spell mechanic or effect mechanic set. But as I wrote, it might be wrong, I'd imagine there might be some spell attribute that governs whether spell is binary (or partially resistable).
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On a somewhat related note, someone will need to test how binary resist spells are effected when casting upon a creature immune to the secondary effect.


Frost bolt on a mob immune to snares

Mind flay on a mob immune to snares

Death coil on a mob immune to horror (bosses)

If they become partially resistible..well that would be weird but something you can't rule out until you test.

- Binary spell recognition - I think spell can be considered as binary if it has some mechanic set. It's probably wrong - there is probably some attribute that marks the spell as binary (or partially resistible). Or the decision should be done just by checking for damage effects.

Mind Flay doesn't actually have mechanic snare and neither does frost bolt. Both of them are NULL mechanic spells, they do have mechanic snare set for effect_2_mechanic though.

I'd be willing to bet there is an attribute though as there are many boss spells which are not resistible at all and others which can only be fully resisted or not resisted.

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