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[fixed][Bug] Level 0 users can use .gm command

Guest A350fly

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MaNGOS : 10396

Custom patches : Vehicles

It's strange, non-gm users (so level 0) can use .gm on/off command.

They can't use others gm command, only this basic one.

command table is correctly set, with 1 as security value.

I don't think that vehicle patch affect in anyway this function, so if somebody else can confirm the problem...

EDIT : Problem solved.

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Outch, I think that I found the problem.

I'm using UDB, but I found a strange entry in 'command' table : .gm online (which is accessible for every user)

This entry conflict with .gm on/off

I don't understand why this entry is here since I didn't update the table with extra patches.

I deleted the entry.

Sorry for inconvenience...

Is there a way (or is it usefull) to protect commands like this ? I supposed that a strict check is the best solution.

EDIT : Thanks :)

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