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Separate string

Guest filo

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I need help with separate string from config, something like this (example):


areas = "5442,1024,3054,246"


std::string areas = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_STRING_CUSTOM_AREAS);
if (pPlayer->GetAreaId() == areas)
...some code here...

but i dont know, how can I separate areas string for IF clause.

Thanks for help with this.

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There is a similar thing with vmaps with maps to ignore. In VMapManager, there is this code to split it:

    void VMapManager2::PreventMapsFromBeingUsed(const char* pMapIdString)
       if (pMapIdString != NULL)
           std::string map_str;
           std::stringstream map_ss;
           while (std::getline(map_ss, map_str, ','))
               std::stringstream ss2(map_str);
               int map_num = -1;
               ss2 >> map_num;
               if (map_num >= 0)
                   DETAIL_LOG("Ignoring Map %i for VMaps", map_num);
                   iIgnoreMapIds[map_num] = true;
                   // unload map in case it is loaded

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If you look up iIgnoreMapIds, you will find this code:

    VMAPLoadResult VMapManager2::loadMap(const char* pBasePath, unsigned int pMapId, int x, int y)
       VMAPLoadResult result = VMAP_LOAD_RESULT_IGNORED;
       if (isMapLoadingEnabled() && !iIgnoreMapIds.count(pMapId))
           if (_loadMap(pMapId, pBasePath, x, y))
               result = VMAP_LOAD_RESULT_OK;
               result = VMAP_LOAD_RESULT_ERROR;
       return result;

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  • 1 month later...

In case you or anyone else is still wondering about this, I have made another version with strchr to split the string. Here it is:

   const char* allowedMaps = sConfig.GetStringDefault("Allowed.Maps", "").c_str();
   // if we actually have a string...
   if(strcmp(allowedMaps, "") != 0)
       // next is a pointer to pos of next comma; prev is a pointer to last comma
       const char* next;
       // find first position of comma
       next = strchr(allowedMaps, ',');
       // no comma, insert only one entry
           // start at the beginning
           const char* prev = allowedMaps;
           // buffer for the argument
           char* buffer;
           // length of the fragment
           size_t length;
           // while we still have more
           while(next != NULL)
               // how big the string fragment will be; factor in null terminator (+ 1)
               length = next - prev + 1;
               // allocate enough room in the buffer to hold the string fragment
               buffer = new char[length];
               // copy the string fragment over
               strncpy(buffer, prev, length);
               // and don't forget the terminator
               buffer[length - 1] = '\\0';
               // insert the new entry into our set of banned maps
               // set pos of last comma, + 1 char (i.e. the last comma) and get new pointer to next comma
               prev = next + sizeof(char);
               next = strchr(next + 1, ',');
               // deallocate buffer to prevent memory leaks
               delete buffer;
           // once more for the last argument
           // we already have this pointer set so use it

In this case, it reads a string from the config and builds a set of map IDs (m_AllowedMaps is a std::set<uint32>) It has no problem with spacing, "0,530" and "0, 530" both work fine. I'm sure it could be easily made into a function.

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