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[BUG] Cold Flame


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Mangos Version: latest (rev. 10408);

No custom core patches;

SD2 version: latest (rev. 1804);

Some custom SD2 patches related to Icecrown Citadel script.

Database: YTDB latest (rev. 339);

How should it work: It should place a patch of blue fire on the ground and deal 6-11k dmg / sec

How does it work: It places the blue patch of fire on the ground, but it doesn't deal damage. On the combat log it appears as a positive buff, instead of a negative effect.


Coldflame trigger spell

Coldflame damage spell

Note: this aura works similar to Legion Flame which works fine.

Any ideea how this can be fixed? It's mandatory for the first encounter in Icecrown Citadel

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These spells are quite "messy", a lot of trigger spell/script effect/dummy effect.

There are clearly more than 2 spells : http://www.wowhead.com/search?q=coldflame#spells

I don't know how to properly know the good sequence : what does each script effect do?

From what I've seen, the boss casts spell 69145.

69145 : spell increases the boss' speed and triggers spell 69147

69147 : script effect (don't know what it does), and triggers spell 69146 (the damage spell)

Besides that, you have spell 72704 which has a dummy effect, and summons a "Coldflame" npc. I guess this npc handles the spell 69146 (damage area aura)

But I'm really lost, I have no idea how to establish the good sequence.

Anyone can help? :)

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Basically the boss sends 4 lines of frost around him

Each line of frost start at the boss, and over time they move forward to their direction (let's say north, south, east, west)

I guess each coldflame npc spawns another coldflame npc after a few seconds.

The thing is to define the location of the new npc, and to know if we can actually spawn one (stop if there's a wall or something that blocks us)

VMAP::VMapFactory::createOrGetVMapManager()->getObjectHitPos() could do the job?

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I hate movies!

My guesses:

69140   AoE, TargetSelect?
casted with maxTargets=1, the target is used for casting spells (random choice perhaps), three possibilities, not always excecuted (seems to be related to bone storm)

1) 69138 Cast From Boss Onto Target
2) 71580 Cast From Boss Onto Target
3) 72705 Cast From Boss On Boss, followcasts:

Summoned Mobs:
cast 69145 -> triggers 69147, that retriggers 69145 (and has unk effect)
cast 70823

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Ok, I know this is very complicated, but I was trying to say something else which is more simple.

I was trying to say that this spell : spell 69146 which actually is the damage spell doesn't work as it should.

I tried to test this in two ways:

1. I tested this with a Gm char using the .cast 69146 command. The spell placed an aura of blue fire on me which damaged any mob in a range of 2-3 yards for 6k damage. This is absolutelly corrent, and this is how the spell should work. But then I tested the same spell inside the script.

2. I tested this inside the script. I made Marrowgar summon a line of cold flame npcs from him to a random target, which was my character. And I made that Cold flame npc: npc 36672 to cast that spell on self, so it can damage me. And surprise, the spell didn't work, instead of damaging me, it did nothing, and the combat log showed something like a cold flame buff was added to me and then removed. Note: the npc was hostile to me and rooted into place.

So my conclusion is that if I cast that spell and I can damage some hostile npcs with it, the same way a hostile npc should damage me with that spell. But unfortunately this doesn't happen, and this is in fact the bug which I am pointing to. :)

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