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How to get the pointer of class Aura by use the pointer of class SpellAuraHolder?

Guest xuke771

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Hi guys..

I was modifyed some codes in these days.. i have a problem about get the pointer of class Aura..

The error code is contained in function IsTriggeredAtSpellProcEvent..this function's parameters only support the pointer of class SpellAuraHolder,so i must use this pointer to get *Aura..

Someone can hlp me?

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Hi guys..

I was modifyed some codes in these days.. i have a problem about get the pointer of class Aura..

The error code is contained in function IsTriggeredAtSpellProcEvent..this function's parameters only support the pointer of class SpellAuraHolder,so i must use this pointer to get *Aura..

Someone can hlp me?

would be nice if you would tell what you want to do..

if you want to get the aura* out of spellauraholder then you can use that member function

Aura* GetAuraByEffectIndex(SpellEffectIndex index) const { return m_auras[index]; }

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// Aura added by spell can`t trogger from self (prevent drop charges/do triggers)
   // But except periodic triggers (can triggered from self)
   for (int32 i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECT_INDEX; ++i)
       Aura *aura = holder->GetAuraByEffectIndex(SpellEffectIndex(i));
       if(procSpell && procSpell->Id == spellProto->Id && !(spellProto->procFlags & PROC_FLAG_ON_TAKE_PERIODIC) && aura->GetModifier()->m_auraname != SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACKER_SPELL_AND_WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE)
           return false;

thank you FeRkEi..the error fixed..

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