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Debbuging crash

Guest xarly

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Hi, I have found how to debug with visual studio, I'm doing this because I have a crash when executing .gobject near command.

When I execute that command server crash, and visual studio points to

ChatHandler::PSendSysMessage(int32 entry, ...)

This is the call stack

    mangosd.exe!ChatHandler::PSendSysMessage(int entry=517, ...)  Línea 927    C++
>    mangosd.exe!ChatHandler::HandleGameObjectNearCommand(char * args=0x0000000003ea3a05)  Línea 1192 + 0xcb bytes    C++
    mangosd.exe!ChatHandler::ExecuteCommand(const char * text=0x0000000003ea3a05)  Línea 1152 + 0x24 bytes    C++
    mangosd.exe!ChatHandler::ParseCommands(const char * text=0x0000000003ea39f9)  Línea 1285    C++
    mangosd.exe!WorldSession::HandleMessagechatOpcode(WorldPacket & recv_data={...})  Línea 173 + 0x4d bytes    C++
    mangosd.exe!WorldSession::ExecuteOpcode(const OpcodeHandler & opHandle={...}, WorldPacket * packet=0x000007ffeeaee828)  Línea 875    C++
    mangosd.exe!WorldSession::Update(unsigned int __formal=47)  Línea 190    C++
    mangosd.exe!World::UpdateSessions(unsigned int diff=47)  Línea 1934 + 0x29 bytes    C++
    mangosd.exe!World::Update(unsigned int diff=47)  Línea 1468    C++
    mangosd.exe!WorldRunnable::run()  Línea 61    C++
    mangosd.exe!ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask(void * param=0x000007ffef01c220)  Línea 190    C++
    ACE.dll!ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter::invoke()  + 0x5b bytes    C++

and variables inside ChatHandler::PSendSysMessage(int32 entry, ...)

ap    0x0000000003ea1580 "¦»"    char *
       format    0x000000000227f060 "%d, Entrada %d - |cffffffff|Hobjeto de juego:%d|h[%s X:%f Y:%f Z:%f IdMapa:%d]|h|r "    const char *
       str    0x0000000003ea0d50 "48038, Entrada 65672736 - |cffffffff|Hobjeto de juego:144131|h["    char [2048]
       this    0x0000000003ea3e18 {m_session=0x000007ffeeacfd00 sentErrorMessage=false }    ChatHandler * const

also variables inside HandleGameObjectNearCommand

        LANG_GO_MIXED_LIST_CHAT    517    int
       entry    144131    unsigned int
       gInfo    0x000007fffb9e52d8 {id=144131 type=19 displayId=1907 ...}    const GameObjectInfo *
       gInfo->name    0x000007fffc0390b8 "Mailbox"    char *
       guid    48038    unsigned int
       mapid    1    int
       this    0x0000000003ea3e18 {m_session=0x000007ffeeacfd00 sentErrorMessage=false }    ChatHandler * const
       x    16219.500    float
       y    16272.800    float
       z    12.969600    float

But now I don't know what to do, for me variables are ok, in fact has the gameobject which i was near...

Could you help me?

Thank you

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