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Server Crash

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I have just recently started getting into Mangos and I have it compiled and everything I need I'm pretty sure.


Whenever we teleport or go into cities the server crashes. So I go read the server info sheet and it displays this error

ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)

Which causes the user to get kicked out of the server.

Not sure what It means or how to fix so if anyone has any ideas or knows how to fix it let me know.

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The opcode you mention is a very known one which one day may be removed. It's not the reason for your server crashing as it's just a message and not an action.

In order to help dude, we'd need a lot more info, such as what rev of mangos, what rev of SD2, what database and at what rev, did you compile sd2 after mangos? Have you done all of the updates. Are you using any extra patches?

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