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[patch] some cleanup in CMSG_CAST_SPELL

Guest cyberbrest2

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What bug does the patch fix?

* In 3.3.5 changed structure additional data in cast packet. I found it on looking problems with cast of http://www.wowhead.com/spell=61384.

Patch fix cast spells with unk_flags witch has 0x02 mask.

For which repository revision was the patch created?

* 10457

Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.

*Sorry. I am not looking there.

Who has been writing this patch?


In SpellHandler.cpp

    // some spell cast packet including more data (for projectiles?)
    if (unk_flags & 0x02)
        uint8 unk1;

-        recvPacket >> Unused<float>();                      // unk1, coords?
-        recvPacket >> Unused<float>();                      // unk1, coords?
        recvPacket >> unk1;                                 // >> 1 or 0
            ObjectGuid guid;                                // guid - unused
            MovementInfo movementInfo;

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       if ( LOBYTE(v82) & 2 )
         if ( !sub_809F80(v34, v36, v18, v36, v4, (int)&v55, (int)&v70, &v74, &v82) )
           v25 = v79 == -1;
           goto LABEL_78;
         sub_7FE520((int)&v74, (int)&v82, v4 + 88, v4 + 100);
         PendingSpellCastData__WriteTargetInfo(v4 + 8, (int)&v76);
         CDataStore__PutFloat((int)&v76, v74);
         v18 = v82;
         CDataStore__PutFloat((int)&v76, v82);
         v37 = objectGuid.guid_high;
         WriteMovementPacket(objectGuid.guid_high, 183, (int)&v76, 1);
         v38 = PerformanceCounter();
         sub_6FBE30(v36, *(_DWORD *)(v4 + 32), v38);
         PendingSpellCastData__WriteTargetInfo(v4 + 8, (int)&v76);
         v37 = objectGuid.guid_high;

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