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Name Change Exploit

Guest iTz BinaryX

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CharacterHandler.cpp :

   // make sure that the character belongs to the current account, that rename at login is enabled
   // and that there is no character with the desired new name
       GetAccountId(), newname,
       "SELECT guid, name FROM characters WHERE guid = %d AND account = %d AND (at_login & %d) = %d AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM characters WHERE name = '%s')",
       GUID_LOPART(guid), GetAccountId(), AT_LOGIN_RENAME, AT_LOGIN_RENAME, escaped_newname.c_str()

Server checks that player can really change his name (AT_LOGIN_RENAME).

So, I don't think it works, but I can be wrong

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    // make sure that the character belongs to the current account, that rename at login is enabled
   // and that there is no character with the desired new name
       GetAccountId(), newname,
       "SELECT guid, name FROM characters WHERE guid = %d AND account = %d AND (at_login & %d) = %d AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM characters WHERE name = '%s')",
       GUID_LOPART(guid), GetAccountId(), AT_LOGIN_RENAME, AT_LOGIN_RENAME, escaped_newname.c_str()

same functionality in mangos zero

it checks if at_login_rename bit is set in at_login column of the character otherwise the SQL-Query will return null rows

afaik AsyncPQuery will give the result of the SQL-Query to its CallBack Handler function ( in this case &WorldSession::HandleChangePlayerNameOpcodeCallBack )

the query should effect 1 or 0 rows ( 1 if at_login is set, 0 if its not set in database)

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