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Mangos.exe Crashes

Guest Dark66

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I wanted to creat a new server.

Compiling worked fine and the server is starting without any error.

Login also works fine but if i try to creat a new character the server crashs and i have no idea why.

Revision: * * 10572 *

Date 1:10:2010. Time 16:31


*** Hardware ***

Processor: AMD Athlon XP1800+

Number Of Processors: 1

Physical Memory: 1048036 KB (Available: 637860 KB)

Commit Charge Limit: 2521332 KB

*** Operation System ***

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Version 5.1, Build 2600)


Exception code: C000001D ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION

Fault address: 00654853 01:00253853 C:\\Mangos\\mangosd.exe









SS:ESP:0023:037399B4 EBP:037399BC

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000


Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

00654853 00000000 Aura::HandleAuraModRangedHaste+13

00652C12 00000000 Aura::ApplyModifier+32

00652DD7 00000000 SpellAuraHolder::ApplyAuraModifiers+27

004B4398 00000000 Unit::AddSpellAuraHolder+698

006FB67B 00000000 Spell::DoSpellHitOnUnit+4AB

006FC693 00000000 Spell::DoAllEffectOnTarget+173

006FCC0B 00000000 Spell::handle_immediate+7B

007064EF 00000000 Spell::cast+57F

0070681C 00000000 Spell::Prepare+1AC

004A8164 00000000 Unit::CastSpell+1F4

004AD6AD 00000000 Unit::CastSpell+10D

00551DCB 00000000 Player::addSpell+80B

00553A63 00000000 Player::learnDefaultSpells+C3

0055D70C 00000000 Player::Create+62C

007D1064 00000000 WorldSession::HandleCharCreateOpcode+764

005EF371 00000000 WorldSession::ExecuteOpcode+21

005F3E53 00000000 WorldSession::Update+183

00473061 00000000 World::UpdateSessions+61

00474A34 00000000 World::Update+124

00445D34 00000000 WorldRunnable::run+64

00454AD4 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+34

009F5B04 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B713 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1B4

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C91E4F4 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C802542 00000000 WaitForSingleObject+12

009AA503 00000000 ?__ace_assert@@YAXPBDH0@Z+363

00A1C5B1 00000000 ?wait_task@ACE_Thread_Manager@@QAEHPAVACE_Task_Base@@@Z+1E1

00A1837F 00000000 ?wait@ACE_Task_Base@@UAEHXZ+F

0044247A 00000000 main+47A

00447F59 00000000 __tmainCRTStartup+122

7C817067 00000000 RegisterWaitForInputIdle+49

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C91E4F4 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C802455 00000000 Sleep+F

004541ED 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+3D

004572E4 00000000 SqlDelayThread::run+64

00454AD4 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+34

009F5B04 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B713 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1B4

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C91E4F4 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C802455 00000000 Sleep+F

004541ED 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+3D

004572E4 00000000 SqlDelayThread::run+64

00454AD4 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+34

009F5B04 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B713 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1B4

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C91E4F4 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

7C802455 00000000 Sleep+F

004541ED 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+3D

004572E4 00000000 SqlDelayThread::run+64

00454AD4 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+34

009F5B04 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

78AFC6DE 00000000 _endthreadex+3A

78AFC788 00000000 _endthreadex+E4

7C80B713 00000000 GetModuleFileNameA+1B4

Call stack:

Address Frame Function SourceFile

7C91E4F4 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0

03738A38 00000000 0000:00000000

552815FF 00000000

I hope someone knows what the problem is.

Sry for my bad english :)


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