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  • 38 years later...

Hello everyone,

as some of you may know, I set up a git-svned repository http://github.com/freghar/mangos-svn-archive/ --a mirror of the old SVN up to r6767 for archival purposes-- some week ago and I need a little help with it.

There was a topic on the old forums saying which revision is for which client version, however those infos aren't accessible now. Has someone here some tips/infos on that?

I'd also welcome an exact specification on which rev is the actual milestone, I can guess from commit messages, but such specification would be nice (old trac is down, so ...).



edit: yes, I can see some on http://mangos.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mangos/tags/ , but I need those missing ones ..

edit2: release tags made, adjusted them a little bit manually, so they should fit the release, now I need client versions

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