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[not bug] 10 Player Instances: maxPLAYER wrong?


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Mangos 10549

SD2 1833

UDB 393

Acid 3.0.5

Win XP x86

release, VS2008

Tried with 2 instances:


(http://udbwiki.no-ip.org/index.php/Maps.dbc :map 48)



(http://udbwiki.no-ip.org/index.php/Maps.dbc :map 47)

Blackfathom was attempted with 6 player raid-group (5m group + 1m group)

Razorfen was attempted with 7 player raid-group (5m group + 2m group)

Every time a player above nr5 entered the instance, he got ported back:

2010-10-07 23:05:24 ERROR:WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode: player Novar (71) was teleported far but couldn't be added to map. (map:48, x:-151.889999, y:106.959999, z:-39.869999) We port him to his homebind instead..

2010-10-10 20:47:22 ERROR:WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode: player Garly (314) was teleported far but couldn't be added to map. (map:47, x:1943.000000, y:1544.630005, z:82.000000) We port him to his homebind instead..
2010-10-10 20:47:51 ERROR:WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode: player Novar (71) was teleported far but couldn't be added to map. (map:47, x:1943.000000, y:1544.630005, z:82.000000) We port him to his homebind instead..

I then looked under instance_template, in search for maxPLAYERS.


But it got removed over time (where is mangos getting maxplayers from now?)

Using ".goname 'player-inside-the-instance'" didn't help and just ported me back to hometown again.

(Side-issue:Trying twice .goname and getting ported back twice, ported me back in an empty stormwind (no npcs, GO's,....., visible at all). Logout-in made them all visible again, but the maxplayer issue remained offcourse.)

So, anyone else able to run 10 man dungeons (not raids!) with more than 5 atm?

Or am i just doing something very wrong with grouping?

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After recieving some answers in irc, people asked to try Gnomeregan with 5+ players.

According to dbc's, gnomeregan should still allow 5+ players. (if i understood correctly)



After creating an 8 player raid group (2 groups: 5 + 3):

Again, only the first 5 players wich entered were allowed:

2010-10-17 20:53:42 ERROR:WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode: player Störtebeker (174) was teleported far but couldn't be added to map. (map:90, x:-332.220001, y:-2.280000, z:-150.860001) We port him to his homebind instead..
2010-10-17 20:53:42 ERROR:WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode: player Jatastaa (299) was teleported far but couldn't be added to map. (map:90, x:-332.220001, y:-2.280000, z:-150.860001) We port him to his homebind instead..
2010-10-17 20:54:17 ERROR:WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode: player Novar (71) was teleported far but couldn't be added to map. (map:90, x:-332.220001, y:-2.280000, z:-150.860001) We port him to his homebind instead..

3 players back at their home city, left out in the cold.

So since gnomeregan was mentioned to being 10man max, these things happening to 5+ group entries might indeed mean maxplayers is wrong afterall?

Great help would be someone playing on retail, being able to tell if wowwiki/atlas/.... their max players are wrong, or mangos.


Don't know if usefull (dated 2006), but not much info to be found googling for 10 man instances:


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