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[fixed][BUG/Request] Vendor faction reputation requirement

Guest Forusim

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At the moment faction reputation requirement for items are set in item_template RequiredReputationFaction and RequiredReputationRank, which will be called when use or buy item.

But bind to account items like http://www.wowhead.com/item=44159#sold-by should only have reputation requierement when buy item.

After that you can send this to your twink without any reputation and use.

So we need a new column in item_template or npc_vendor.


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how it is supposed to work?

I've pulled the current Mangos version and bought me with a char http://www.wowhead.com/item=50335 (this char has max reputation).

The Sending to another char (reputation hatefull) on my account works, but the reputation font is still read and right klick on the item tells me, that i cannot use this item.

Is there some kind of flag, I've forgotten to set @ Database?

Thanks in Advice


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fix only related use "bind to account items" in part ignore reputation req at use.

But you still need required level for use.

I assumed that.

First Char bought the Item, because this char has enough reputation.

Second Char is at level 80, but have not enough reputation.

Now i thought, the fix, solves this Problem.

I mean, that my second character can use (enchant) the item despite of his missing reputation.

Where is my error in reasoning?

By the way: I dont now why Blizzard has exactly two items of one enchant. Maybe the item which is sold, is the one with the reputation. And after sending the item via mail, or even earlier, after you buy it, it will transform to the item without reputation. That would make sense.

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By the way: I dont now why Blizzard has exactly two items of one enchant. Maybe the item which is sold, is the one with the reputation. And after sending the item via mail, or even earlier, after you buy it, it will transform to the item without reputation. That would make sense.

Was a change in a client patch (3.2 or 3.3) where the reputation reward enchantment items have been added to be usable for twinks

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You meaning that original item must replaced at mail send by this?

Or really sell this item? but show original in vendor list?

I can redo fix in replace item way if someone clarify this part.

This also can be useful for resu send items / character converion to diff faction characters at same account.

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But then http://www.wowhead.com/item=50335 have faction requirements and this directly not work for client

if item used by another account character without faction reputation. So client _do_ faction_ check for BoA items for any characters. Then unclear how this can work without replace item by another in time transfer to another account character at least.

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I was looking into this some time ago. I hopes it's handled by DBC, just like the arena rating requirement on items. It's shown only at vendor, but when u buy it, it's not shown anymore. I guess blizz has more devs working in similar things and each of them solving it his own way :)

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