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Trouble sending player's positions to the group.

Guest ankso

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Hello community. I have a problem with sending a player's position to the whole group on my (public) modified fork of MaNGOS.

When a player is in group or raid with other players, he can see the group members position on his map as long as they are in minimap range. Just before thay leave the minimap range, the point (his position) gets freezed in the minimap until they enter again in range, then the position is updated. This is very annoying for BGs because you open your map and you see the lastest position of all your party members just before they left your minimap.

I know that you don't support this kind of things with modified sources, and I love find the problem by myself and fix it (I have learned a lot with this project, thanks :)), so I only want to know where is handling this broadcasting, where the server sends the player position to the whole group to update group members's maps. Any help or idea will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Problem lies in algorithm of broadcasting packets - in your case it looks like you send packets to those players which are in specified range from the player. If your teammate leaves specified area - he does not get packets at all. Search for corresponding methods in Map class like Map::MessageBroadcast() to get an idea of what to do. And may the Force be with you :)

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Thanks for your help! I think that I have found the problem, it's on Player::SetPosition(...), due to some changes related with vehicles in rsa's branch (my base). If someone is using this branch and is interested here is posible fix: https://github.com/Ankso/mangos/commit/47a4fb63b4456e20f32d84e7a62d13f1da8c8e42

So, thanks again, you help me find real source of problem.

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