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Pet won't stay


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Hi everyone,

I seem to be having a strange issue on my hunter test character. I can tame a pet without any problems, but it won't stay. As soon as it dies, or is dismissed, or anything causing it not to be at my side anymore, it completely disappears. I can't call it back, it's as if there never was a pet to begin with.

Anyone else had something like this happen before? And how can I solve it? I updated everything today so I should be on current version of Mangos, scriptdev2, unifieddb and acid.

I had this issue on a normal account, different GM level account, if I gave myself the spells manually or use the .npc tame command, or if I ran through the starting quests with a new character,.. It keeps happening all the time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Hi, thanks for the quick support :-) I seem to be having a problem with updating to [11061]. I'm trying to do git-pull in my main mangos directory through Git-Bash but the latest update I have in the sql\\updates folder remains [11058]. I can't seem to update through the GUI version of git either.

Any recommendations on what I'm doing wrong?

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Thanks, I tried it just now. Git status gives as output

# On branch master

# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 146 commits.


nothing to commit (working directory clean)

So everything should be fine, I assume. When I do git reset --hard is gives me

HEAD is now at 33a2a8c Merge branch '400' of git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

And when I try another git pull it says again that I'm already up-to-date and the latest sql update file is still [11058]

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