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Mangos crash reports (Windows) and other questions

Guest Walkum

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Hi, I am spanish and I use rsa's mangos server. I have two questions.

First question: Since 5 days ago, I have rare crashes of the server, I don't know about how I can read the crashes to find the problem. Please, learn me how I can repair. (Please, don't say me that use the search button, I tried to find solutions about this much tries and I don't found anything).





More than your give me a specific solution, I need more that your learn me how know I can repair, for future crashes. Thanks.

The second question is easy: My mangos server works in Windows 7, I have a restarter for when the server crashes, it restart automatically. The problem is that when mangosd.exe crash, it don't close automatically, I need click in "ok" to close the window and restart. But, what's up when the host is away from the PC? The window not close automatically. My question is these: What I need for when mangosd.exe crashes, the window close automatically?

Please, I repeat, don't say me "use search button" or "use google", I tried it much times since 3 days, and I only found shit that not help me.

Thanks in advance.


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the last executed event on all crashes is UpdateAI call from mob_legion_flameAI

add some debug messages on the update function and check which call is causeing the crash, then write some fix to it (not related to core but to script library)

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