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zone_id bug


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always latest revision

this is the git message ive sent ambal he ask me to post it here

hey sorry to bug you what been noticing some pretty weird shit and have traced it back to the map commit trouble is zone_id is bugged not must not save 0 or nothing to characters table must always be const or something reason is after 100 some odd test this is what ive come up with

unknow what db you use i use ytdb here

the trouble first appeared in ebonhold i madea new dk did all quest til i was able to fly out of acherus i camped my chara out and at chara selection screen my player had no zone name and a 0 in the characters table zone_id column i thought nothing of it since the zone id had return later from what i beilieve is a world update if im following code right well trouble is once thats hit 0 or nothing clear value it bugs the player from zone required spells quest and ect ect on spell as example SPELL_PERSUASIVE_STRIKE = 52781 which make doing this quest impossible with a awful hack or worst having it completely wrong im not sure if i explained this very good at all or not id be happy to talk on msn over the phone ect ect i might have forgot a peice of info or explaininig this zone ect ect sorry to bug you

and then a second reply i tryied to clear it up a little

I use the latest rev the only way I've been able to dupe this on command is do all the DK. Quest til you can fly down to zone 4298 plague lands. Zone will set to zero. When character logs out there is no zone name under characters name after the zone id. Goes to zero after awhile it will eventually get the getzoneid update but the player will still be bugged. Even after that. I haven't seen this happen on any other of my Chara s yet. Only on DK. Starting area. Its a always thing. With every DK and DK test Chara I've made.

Alot spells that use to work will say player is in wrong zone. And some quest scripts I've wrote have gonna all whack for no logicial reason lol

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Your problem is connected to this code in Player::SaveToDB() where we save zoneId for player. So in case GetZoneId() or GetCachedZoneId() will return you the 0 (zero) zone_id - you have troubles.

ss << (IsInWorld() ? GetZoneId() : GetCachedZoneId()) << ", ";

We cache player's zone_id while he is in world and might reuse this value when saving character. Question is why we get 0 (zero) zone_id there... Wrong DBC data, anyone? fallenangelX, can you place some MANGOS_ASSERTs in TerrainManager::GetZoneIdByAreaFlag() and TerrainManager::GetZoneAndAreaIdByAreaFlag() to see if we return zone_id = 0 for your case?

Does this happen to ALL characters who fly into Plaque Lands? Or only with DK? Do you have coordinates of that particular place where your character gets saved with zero zoneid?

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2011-02-03 05:43:22 ERROR:PLAYER: Player 14 discovered unknown area (x: 1695.160034 y: -5860.490234 map: 609

upon testing everything for what feels like the 1000th time i happen to notice that console error i must ve missed it before cause when playing around the DK area the console is going a billizion miles a sec im also starting to think maybe its linked to the way the dk world suppose to change as quest progess i might be wrong honestly idk this problem has just got me rattled ... sorry to have bugged you guys and ty for everything and all the hard work and ambal for actually helping out what he can

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This might be a problem with wrong extracted .map, or DBC files. Anyway, this issue does not depend on specific character class and can be easily reproduced by everyone.

fallenangelX, can you check if your .map files are properly extracted? Do you use VMAPS on your server? They can cause problems too...

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2011-02-03 05:43:22 ERROR:PLAYER: Player 14 discovered unknown area (x: 1695.160034 y: -5860.490234 map: 609
I not have this porblem. Check by temeporting by provided coordinates.
fallenangelX, can you check if turning VMAPs on will solve your issue?

If its disabled then it must be reported as warnign at server startup. Mangos now _not_ support as normal configuration case with disabled vmaps.

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