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is the stable branch still updated? or only the portal? have compiled today with the stable version and bots can't seem to loot quest objects. I used the survey and get commands but bots just run around. Whats the difference with the portal branch?

If you are referring to the playerbot GitHub,


then yes it is updated to keep pace with changes in the core. Occasionally, we merge code from portal , once it checks out. The portal branch holds our beta test code, ready for public testing.

If you wish to try the latest code changes for 'bot looting', you will need to merge the code from loot-fix-bt alpha branch. This code is not guaranteed and any feedback, is for the devs info only.

It sounds to me that your experiencing an issue that we are aware of and at present looking into. Occasionally, bots fail to collect quest items and continue to try without success. A temporary fix (As the player; you can either collect the item for yourself or move away from the offending item). Chances are that they will collect the next item without issue. If you are still experiencing problems, let us know

Hope this helps

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thanks for the quick answer. about quest items... that too but i was talking about gameobjects like the grapes in human starting zone or wood in Eastvale Logging camp that bots need to open in order to loot the quest items. that does not work. or at least i cannot get it to. And what about quests with explore objectives? are those supported? i have to manually complete those quests for the bots :) For the rest it works well :)

Happy Easter everyone!

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that too but i was talking about gameobjects like the grapes in human starting zone or wood in Eastvale Logging camp that bots need to open in order to loot the quest items. that does not work. or at least i cannot get it to. And what about quests with explore objectives? are those supported? i have to manually complete those quests for the bots :) For the rest it works well :)

Milly's Harvest and the collection of wood piles in Eastvale should work perfectly. I will double check, just in case something has changed with the core that now prevents it. Most bot quests are completed as the player does (killing quests, etc) The collection quests was an exception and this was the reason we wrote specific code. I have been presently working on 'use item quests'. Most are completed as the player does (e.g 'Awakening lazy peons' in the orc start area), but some like filling quests aren't. I have revised the 'quest' command to display an [item Link] that can be used to complete bot quests (e.g 'Crown of the Earth' quest in the Nightelf start area. Here you can utilize the 'use' command with the bot(s) in close proximity to the specific moonwell.

[botname] use [Jade Phial]

to get the bot to fill the phial at the moonwell. I can't think of an example of an explore quest, perhap you can and I will test it out. I know most area explorations are handled by the 'acheivement manager', let me know.

Hope this helps

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first off you need to conigure your bots in the playerbot.conf file if you want them to loot objects and proffesion items or loot just enable these:

*These are my configs*

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Combat = 1 //bots will loot after they are out of combat

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Quest = 1

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Profession = 1

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Loot = 1 //collects general loot ( all)

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Skin = 1

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Objects = 1

After you enabled these ( for your problem , collect.quest and collect.objects must be set to 1 ) ,you must type in the party chat or whisper the survey command.


bot whispers: [Milly's Harvest]

then do : get [Milly's Harvest]. it should work

hope it helps in some way.

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my playerbot.conf is like this:

PlayerbotAI.DisableBots = 0

PlayerbotAI.DebugWhisper = 0

PlayerbotAI.FollowDistanceMin = 0.5

PlayerbotAI.FollowDistanceMax = 1.0

PlayerbotAI.MaxNumBots = 9

PlayerbotAI.RestrictBotLevel = 100

PlayerbotAI.BotguyQuests = ""

PlayerbotAI.BotguyCost = 10000

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Combat = 1 //bots will loot after they are out of combat

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Quest = 1

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Profession = 1

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Loot = 0 //collects general loot ( all)

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Skin = 1

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Objects = 1

am trying the Poor old Blanchy quest in Westfall.

survey then get [sack of Oats]

but bots just walk to the object without looting it and come back.. :-S

what else can i try?

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apart from that problem there is another problem.

blueboy,im sure that you have heard of the new warden anti-cheat system,that system is conflicting with playerbot because whenever i add a bot , it takes it as it should as a teleport hack , and it automaticly kicks the player out(the bot in this case). is there any way to protect the bots from this?

forgot to add: there is a lucky option that can enable/disable warden.

hmm i object collection works, i think i was unlucky because of the ahbot loading items, object looting works 100% , but exploring quests dont work for the bots.

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for your feedback. I haven't been ignoring you ;) , but working on the request by steveb, for bot(s) to complete explore type quests.

The added code will allow party bot(s) to be included in the 'CMSG_AREATRIGGER' rewards. This opcode is only triggered by the player (based on accountid, so only one trigger per accountid) reaching a specified zone. The HandleAreaTriggerOpcode() will ensure that the bot(s) meet the reward criteria.

This should work for explore quests such as 'Scouting Fargodeep Mine' etc and 'pursuit' or 'escort' type quests (like the one in Westfall, where you escort a 'salty dude' to the Deadmines. Please let me know how it works.

I have checked the looting issue with 'Milly's Harvest' and it works fine for me. I will need you to fully describe your system, so I can rule out a difference in the code used.

Hope this helps

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apart from that problem there is another problem.

blueboy,im sure that you have heard of the new warden anti-cheat system,that system is conflicting with playerbot because whenever i add a bot , it takes it as it should as a teleport hack , and it automaticly kicks the player out(the bot in this case). is there any way to protect the bots from this?

forgot to add: there is a lucky option that can enable/disable warden.

hmm i object collection works, i think i was unlucky because of the ahbot loading items, object looting works 100% , but exploring quests dont work for the bots.

Hi vladex,

Thanks for the heads-up on 'Warden by Neo2003'. I wasn't aware of this code, so thanks. I would suggest that you have answered your own question;

forgot to add: there is a lucky option that can enable/disable warden

I can see why Blizzard use such security systems, but for MaNGOS it's bordering on paranoia. If you are running a large populated server and wish to prevent cheating then, I can see it's relevance. However, the chances are that users of such systems would not be interested in playerbot anyway. If you use a low population server, where playerbot would be an asset, then there are obvoius ways to discipline rogue users.

I just hope that the core does not integrate 'Warden', as it will cause lots of developers, lots of problems.

As far as the looting issue is concerned, as I have said in a previous post. Occasionally bot(s) do fail to loot, and because of the nature the automated loot collection system, will continue to try looting the same item without success. It is unclear what is causing this issue and we will continue to find a solution. In the meantime, move the bot(s) to new items in new locations and it should work again. If it doesn't and it can be reproduced, your information will be useful in fixing it.

Hope this helps

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Hey there again!

My set up is as follows:

Mangos 11395

UDB 401

SD2 2036

Included: Playerbot from https://github.com/playerbot/mangos and AHbot by Cyberium.

Have just made 2 new chars. One as a bot ofc. I have my playerbot.conf as posted above. Tried Milly's stupid quest and still doesn't work :( the bot just runs to it and comes back! i guess i will try the portal branch

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Hey there again!

My set up is as follows:

Mangos 11395

UDB 401

SD2 2036

Included: Playerbot from https://github.com/playerbot/mangos and AHbot by Cyberium.

Have just made 2 new chars. One as a bot ofc. I have my playerbot.conf as posted above. Tried Milly's stupid quest and still doesn't work :( the bot just runs to it and comes back! i guess i will try the portal branch

If you wish to try the latest playerbot features, I would suggest you use the portal master code as your base and then add features you desire from the alpha branches below.

loot-fix-bt contains BThallid's latest looting code, that I use and I know works fine.

sharedbots BThallid's code to allow you to share bots between accounts.

vendor code that I'm presently working on, to allow bots to interact with various vendors (Armourer for repairs & sales etc.., Auctioneers). I hope to add Bankers to this shortly.

talents code to allow management of bot talents and glyphs.

Hope this helps

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Blueboy, you are a great help :) Yeah am now using the portal code with the loot fix. Works wonders, both the quest looting and exploration part :). My bad for the confusion but i was thinking that these good fixes were also in the stable repository :D Again, many thanks!

It seems you have your hands full with the npc code :). i will test also the talents branch and see how it is.

Some little suggestions or observations:

- when a bot is eating he is sitting down but if the player moves the bot moves also but still sitting down! is a bit weird but just cosmetic.

- i have seen in the Class scripts this code

    switch (ai->GetScenarioType())
       case PlayerbotAI::SCENARIO_DUEL:

But the bots do not melee or cast anything! is that code related to duels in any way?

And one cool thing would be to have a role command and function. Meaning if one bot is set as "healer" he will only cast healing spells (no attack), same for caster dps.

I will try and play a bit with the code and see if i can come up with some crazy things lol :D

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Where you found this config options?

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Combat = 1 //bots will loot after they are out of combat

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Quest = 1

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Profession = 1

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Loot = 0 //collects general loot ( all)

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Skin = 1

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Objects = 1

Blueboy, as I see you don't update bot_readme.txt. Some new function was added but were not documented. =)

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Where you found this config options?
PlayerbotAI.Collect.Combat = 1 //bots will loot after they are out of combat

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Quest = 1

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Profession = 1

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Loot = 0 //collects general loot ( all)

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Skin = 1

PlayerbotAI.Collect.Objects = 1

Blueboy, as I see you don't update bot_readme.txt. Some new function was added but were not documented. =)


Yes thanks, I do try to update bot_readme.txt, when I can :o. I do need to add the syntax for the new 'talent' command. The config options you refer to relates to BThallid's loot-fix-bt work (These are default settings for automatic loot collection). I will draw his attention to this next time I speak with him.

Hope this helps

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I have added some text to the bot_readme.txt file. I remembered to add the readme text for the sharedbots branch that was started but missed it on the loot-fix-bt branch. I have been a bit busier than normal on that real life stuff that we all have to deal with, but still have a couple of more pieces to implement into the loot-fix-bt branch before I will consider it finished. That and of course after any bugs are squashed. Blueboy has done an excellent job of keeping up with things on the repo and on the forum.

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Hi Guys,

I have revised and improved the 'talent' command code. The new command allows you to also reset all bot talents, if you wish and if you have the gold.

The new sub-command 'reset', directs the bot(s) to wait until close enough to an appropriate class trainer and able to reset the bot(s) talents.

/t [botname] talent reset

The command alone

/t [botname] talent

In addition to displaying the [TALENT LINK] & [GLYPH LINK] with unspent talent points, will now also display the cost to reset all talents.

/t [botname] talent learn [TALENT LINK] // or <shift click> on 'talent icon' from client inspect window

Code Improvements

A problem with the original code was that if the 'talent tab' on the client 'inspect window' was open during the command execution, it was not updated until closed and then re-opened. This was annoying and the new code now updates the 'inspect window' correctly.

Because of the dependancy of the new 'talent' command on the 'findNearbyCreature()' mechanism, I have moved the code to the vendor branch and will shortly remove the old talents branch.

Hope this helps

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Hi Guys,

I've just finsihed the 'bank' plugin for the 'findNearbyCreature() mechanism'. The new 'bank' command will allow bots to access their personal bank account. If the bot is in close proximity to a banker;

(Note that the new bank code allows the transaction of 'soulbound' items too)

/t [botname] bank // displays all items ([iTEM LINK]s) in bot bank 'item slots' & additional 'bag slots'
/t [botname] bank deposit [iTEM LINK][iTEM LINK] .. // items from bot inventory are deposited in bot bank account
/t [botname] bank withdraw [iTEM LINK][iTEM LINK] .. // withdrawn items from bot bank are stored in bot inventory

To test the code,

[Pascal] bank withdraw [stinging Viper] // successfully withdrawn

[stinging Viper] is soulbound, so to test whether the item can be auctioned, traded or sold,

[Pascal] auction add [stinging Viper] // failed, because the item is soulbound and unusable by other players

If you try to trade [stinging Viper] with the player, it fails as it should.

[Pascal] sell [stinging Viper] // successfully sold to vendor

I will need to revise the SMSG_TRADE_STATUS code in PlayerbotAI.cpp to allow bots to display 'soulbound' items in their inventory. This will allow bots to use 'soulbound' [iTEM LINK]'s for the 'bank' and 'sell' commands

The patch and code revisions will be done shortly

Hope this helps

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great news :) about the new sell items feature. Could it be possible to have a command to sell all gray items? could be very useful.

one thing i noticed about quests started from items dropped. There are some quests that start from an item but that does not work at the moment. The master starts the quest from the item. The bots say they started the quest but actually they don't even though they have the item in their inventory. Westfall Deed is an example.

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