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[PATCH] Prevent stealthed etc. players from capturing base in EotS bg

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* What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

Replace the check whether player can capture base in EotS BG by more appropriate one, that is used (for flags) in other BGs as well. (isAlive -> isAllowUseBattleGroundObject)

As a result, stealthed, invisible and mounted players are prevented from capturing bases.

Note: isAllowUseBattleGroundObject() function should contain check for invulnerability auras (it does not right now). I am not sure, whether can invulnerable players capture bases on official, but because some invulnerability effects (eg. petrification) may last for a minute or more, it sounds reasonable that players couldn't capture base while under such effect.

* For which revision was the patch created?


* Is there a thread in the bug report section? If yes, please add a link to the thread.


* Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.

Me, Tassader

diff --git a/src/game/BattleGroundEY.cpp b/src/game/BattleGroundEY.cpp
index 18d0859..241ad5b 100644
--- a/src/game/BattleGroundEY.cpp
+++ b/src/game/BattleGroundEY.cpp
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ void BattleGroundEY::CheckSomeoneJoinedPoint()
-                if (plr->isAlive() && plr->IsWithinDistInMap(obj, BG_EY_POINT_RADIUS))
+                if (plr->isAllowUseBattleGroundObject() && plr->IsWithinDistInMap(obj, BG_EY_POINT_RADIUS))
                    //player joined point!
                    //show progress bar
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ void BattleGroundEY::CheckSomeoneLeftPoint()
-                if (!plr->isAlive() || !plr->IsWithinDistInMap(obj, BG_EY_POINT_RADIUS))
+                if (!plr->isAllowUseBattleGroundObject() || !plr->IsWithinDistInMap(obj, BG_EY_POINT_RADIUS))
                    //move player out of point (add him to players that are out of points

  • 38 years later...
mounted players are prevented from capturing bases

Hmm, in case of capturing a base (being in a zone), you can capture it if you are mounted (and if you turn pvp mode on).

So a special condition should be added in this case :)

I am not sure, whether can invulnerable players capture bases on official, but because some invulnerability effects (eg. petrification) may last for a minute or more, it sounds reasonable that players couldn't capture base while under such effect.

You can capture a base (so here a zone) whatever the buff you have.

Hmm, in case of capturing a base (being in a zone), you can capture it if you are mounted (and if you turn pvp mode on).

Are you sure?

The only evidence regarding this I've found is on this forum http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/zone.html?wzone=148;page=1;howmany=50#m120025438983184412

You take towers by occupation, not by flag - you are not occupying the tower if you're stealthed, mounted or shadow melded.

Btw. I didn't know that it is possible to turn off PvP in battleground :o


You can capture a base (so here a zone) whatever the buff you have.


Also you cannot take a flag / base while you have divine shield on you

Do you have different experience from official servers or have found other sources of information?

Do you have different experience from official servers or have found other sources of information?

I played a paladin and for instance, I'm totally sure that you can capture a "zone" when you're mounted. Maybe, someone can confirm it too ?

The only evidence regarding this I've found is on this forum http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/zone.ht...25438983184412

I we compare this source with the next one, the official forum guys doesn't talk about mounted limitation in capturing a base.

whatever the buff you have.

Sorry, I mean, excepted stealth of course :)

I'll retest it alone (if possible) with bubulle...

Btw. I didn't know that it is possible to turn off PvP in battleground

No, I told about capturing bases/zone (assuming this is based on the same system, for exemple World PVP objectives like Halaa, Plaguelands)

Of course, I can make mistake, so it's better that other players say what they know :)

You can capture base while mounted, but you should be on the ground (in case of flying mount).

Flying mounts can't be used in eots battleground.

Assumption that same rules as in world PvP apply here is logical, but so is the opposite assumption - that same rules as in WSG/AB (where you can't capture base while mounted or palabubbled) apply ...

Flying mounts can't be used in eots battleground.

Assumption that same rules as in world PvP apply here is logical, but so is the opposite assumption - that same rules as in WSG/AB (where you can't capture base while mounted or palabubbled) apply ...

Everything you capture by being present (more people of your faction than the enemy faction's people) doesn't check if you are mounted on the ground. Only flying doesn't count to "being in the zone").

AV & AB & WSG all require "use" effects to interact with the objects, which by default results in unmounting...

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