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libACE-5.8.3.so: cannot open shared object file

Guest Serialtueur

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I just built the last version of mangos but when I try to launch mangosd or realmd I get this error :

./mangosd: error while loading shared libraries: libACE-5.8.3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I've never seen that before, and I can't find any help about it.

Thanks for helping !

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MaNGOS can't find ACE 5.8.3. There should be a lib 'libACE-5.8.3.so' in /usr/lib/ (check it via "ls /usr/lib/libACE-*"). You have build mangos with -DACE_USE_EXTERNAL=1 on a computer where libace 5.8.3 was installed and moved your binary to a different computer or updated or removed the ace 5.8.3 installation.

Install ace 5.8.3 again or build mangos with your new ace version again or build mangos with internal ace. There would be a fourth option, symlinking to another ace version, but since ace is somewhat special w/o any nonsense, why start testing how it reacts on nonsense.



PS: /usr/lib/libACE-* must have ACE in capitals and sudo isn't required. Just for verification:

ls /usr/lib/libACE-*.so 

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I run on debian squeeze, so my last libace-dev package version is libACE-5.7.7.so . But I tried to compile MaNGOS with and without -DACE_USE_EXTERNAL for the same result (even when there was libACE-5.8.3.so in ~/mangos-bin/lib I got this error).

Edit : okay, I think it's a problem with my cmake dpath. If it doesn't work after the compilation, i'll repost here :) Thanks for all !

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