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Few questions

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So i never used Mangos i opened server i know 2 server was 255 fun and was very stable so i want to do that same.

1. How to make xp bar till lvl 255?

2. How to make bigger spell dmg?

3. Can some one help me with editing core if you guys want to? :)

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I could possibly help you do some basics, but you cannot ask for "custom" help here since mangos is a project to reproduce a blizzlike 3.3.5 server

- LilleCarl

Maybe need to have different section for custom stuff, but I don't see anything wrong with having it here - I mean doing something on your own is still learning and blizzlike or not is important only for patches meant for main branch. Ofc bug reports for custom cores won't be accepted.

1. How to make xp bar till lvl 255?

2. How to make bigger spell dmg?

1) MaxPlayerLevel in mangosd.conf, but need to check if it won't cause variable overflow since all damage & stat values will become really big

2) in general - in CalculateSpellDamage, can have something like custom multiplier and if really want can add it's value to config, so you won't have to compile it everytime you change that value

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I could possibly help you do some basics, but you cannot ask for "custom" help here since mangos is a project to reproduce a blizzlike 3.3.5 server

- LilleCarl

Maybe need to have different section for custom stuff, but I don't see anything wrong with having it here - I mean doing something on your own is still learning and blizzlike or not is important only for patches meant for main branch. Ofc bug reports for custom cores won't be accepted.

1. How to make xp bar till lvl 255?

2. How to make bigger spell dmg?

1) MaxPlayerLevel in mangosd.conf, but need to check if it won't cause variable overflow since all damage & stat values will become really big

2) in general - in CalculateSpellDamage, can have something like custom multiplier and if really want can add it's value to config, so you won't have to compile it everytime you change that value

Yes i were thinking the same, but laise since the goal is to create and learn about the standard game mechanics(just read mangos 1st page) customizations doea not really belong here tbh, anyways back on topic the xp bar cannot grow to level 255

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1) XPBar cannot go to 255 , I'm not sure exactly why, I believe this is Client limitation

2) Bigger spell damage? If you just want to have fun a couple seconds, just try the commande ".damage <a-big-number>"

If you really want all spells to do massive damage, a core modification is needed, laise already gave you a hint.

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1) XPBar cannot go to 255 , I'm not sure exactly why, I believe this is Client limitation

2) Bigger spell damage? If you just want to have fun a couple seconds, just try the commande ".damage <a-big-number>"

If you really want all spells to do massive damage, a core modification is needed, laise already gave you a hint.

He wants to create a public 255 server to earn some money, i just got "kicked" because i didnt want to do everything for free when he will earn money on it, so he will never get the spellpower boost, maby max level 255 tho, but anyways, You didnt really answer any questions that wasnt already answered ;)

- LilleCarl

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1) XPBar cannot go to 255 , I'm not sure exactly why, I believe this is Client limitation

2) Bigger spell damage? If you just want to have fun a couple seconds, just try the commande ".damage <a-big-number>"

If you really want all spells to do massive damage, a core modification is needed, laise already gave you a hint.

He wants to create a public 255 server to earn some money, i just got "kicked" because i didnt want to do everything for free when he will earn money on it, so he will never get the spellpower boost, maby max level 255 tho, but anyways, You didnt really answer any questions that wasnt already answered ;)

- LilleCarl

Sure, I just tough I'll sum it up ;)

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