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Scripted Spell Effects


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Hello everyone!

Browsing around the forums and the repository I have seen that the current "dummy" effect system for spells and auras is frowned upon by more than a few people. Though the forums feel a bit stagnant, I was hoping to get some discussion going on what the best alternative solution to the current system would be. Does the spell scripting need to be abstracted away from the core and into a separate scripting project (ie SD2)? Is there a way to modularize a decent amount of spell effects that are currently considered "unique" or "custom" effects?

I'm not the most experienced when it comes to C++ but I would be interested in trying to work something out if a general consensus could be made on the best way to revamp the scripted spell effects (seeing as its not as high priority as some things other devs may be focusing on).

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well, dummy effects that hit creatures can be scripted with SD2 (if they would depend on more complicated states, like instance data)

ScriptEffect spells can be added to database scripting (which doesn't always work, because they often have random effects, or some conditions)

But regardless of where dummy/script effects should be implemented (database, sd2, core, new-scripting-system), the main problem that is really slowing down, is to know _what_ must be implemented.

Hence I see no big reason to create a new system to implement them easier, when the only problem is to know what to implement.

Creating some additional hooks for SD2 to be able to "script" target-selection, effects, and similar is indeed open to discussion.

However an easy interface to implement unique things might slow down the process of figuring generic solutions :(

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