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[patch] CreatureScriptSpawn (Horde/Alliance/Progress)

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  • 41 years later...

Hi every one. As have shown sniff from official server, isn't present phases in dungeon for team control. I has written a patch which realizes creature spawn in dungeon depending on that has come. And as spawn and despawn creature during the necessary moments. It is necessary for dungeon: Pit Of Saron, Culling Of Stratholme, Icecrown Citadel and etc.

For change map event in script: map->ProcessMapEvent(event);

patch on github: Patch

Fix for patch: Fix

Test for YTDB:

INSERT INTO creature_script_spawn SELECT guid, '469', '0', '0', 'Nexus Horde Soldiers' FROM creature WHERE map = 576 AND phaseMask = 128;
INSERT INTO creature_script_spawn SELECT guid, '67', '0', '0', 'Nexus Alliance Soldiers' FROM creature WHERE map = 576 AND phaseMask = 64;
UPDATE creature SET phaseMask = 1 WHERE phaseMask = 128 AND map = 576;
UPDATE creature SET phaseMask = 1 WHERE phaseMask = 64 AND map = 576;

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no UnkleNuke - these two patches are of entirely different things.

This patch is about spawning npcs depending on dynamic data (like player team).

Xfurry's patch is about informing the instance script when a mob is summoned.

The main problem I have with this patch is, that this would require some agreements on custom event-Ids between database and scripting project.

The big advantage of world-database depending spawning is that it would be possible to add waypoints by guid, auras by guid, and maybe some even more fancy stuff that database can do.

For discussion purposes, I had as idea to implement a neat summoning framework on sd2 side:

A table with npc_entry, id, point_id, postion which could be used to summon npcs - and with some core support to pass over waypoint movement from this table (point_id > 0) to the summoned npc.

Team-Dependend summoning would then just mean that the npc-entry will be overwritten by some alternate entry.

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It seemed like the two patches were related. :8

It may be that your idea of implementing something like this as an SD2 module would work better, since much of the dungeons are scripted anyways.

Of course, the core-database-scripting agreeing on some standardized event IDs would be a good idea as well. Some features rely so much on all three parts.

I'm looking forward to more ideas from both of you on this. It would bring dungeons another big leap ahead. :cool:

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