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Compiling in Linux without git?

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Alright, I grabbed mangos, the DB zip, and the scriptdev zip a day or two ago while at my office. I came home, plopped them on a new, dedicated Linux server (Debian 6.0) and have been stuck ever since. I extracted the server to "/home/name/wow-server". I also extracted the scriptdev and DB files to their default directories. That is it, all of the guides are GIT-based, but using that method would take months on my crappy connection, which is why I must use the zips to build with.

Now, where do I place the scriptdev files and how do I go from there? I assume that I will need to somehow run the scriptdev stuff, run a configuration script, then use make or cmake to build my binaries. What are those steps? The rest is cake since I deal with databases weekly and understand Linux quite well.


I am using mangos-zero, if it matters. I got the DB, scriptdev, and server from the zero area. I am also assuming that I may need a database for quests, NPCs, and such. Could I get a good recommendation for the database(s) that I will need to configure a 1.12.1 server on my private LAN with? Thanks for the help in advance.

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Assuming mangos.zip and scriptdev2.zip contain only the files and no subfolder AND that mangos-zero uses cmake.

### Unzipping to /opt/mangos first two lines as root/sudo

#mkdir /opt/mangos
#chown -R $username /opt/mangos/

mkdir -p ~/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2
unzip -d ~/mangos/ mangos.zip
unzip -d ~/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2 scriptdev2.zip
cd ~/mangos
patch -p1 ~/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS*.patch

### Building
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -DPREFIX=/opt/mangos
make install
cd ../
rm -r build/

That's basically what you would do with mangos.zip and scriptdev2.zip. Ofc you have to install all build dependencies and I dunno what happens, haven't checked the above :) . Git is just to get the source code and work with it locally. Setting up the configs and the database does not require git.



Edit: Cleaned things up a bit, its not usefull to have a complete messed up /opt/mangos folder. Now using ~/mangos. :)

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I figured it out. I had to plop the scriptdev0 stuff into the bindings directory, add a line to the CMakeFile, then build the project. Now I have a new problem, my last one, but I will start a new topic on the subject since it is unrelated to this topic. I may also write a guide for building zero the manual way for others who may not want to or be able to use git.

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The MaNGOS Zero project has their own database, which is the only DB available for Zero, to the best of my knowledge.

You can download ZIP or G-Zipped TAR archives of all the MaNGOS sources at Github. Simply browse to the repository you wish to use, then click the Downloads link at the top in the heading that has links for Code, Files, Branches, Tags, and Downloads.

This will take you to a new page with two buttons. One is for the ZIP and the other is TAR.GZ. Here's a direct link to that page for the Zero database... Downloads for mangos-zero's database. You can safely ignore the message below the buttons that there are no files. I just tested the links and it does indeed initiate a download for the database.

In this way, you can acquire the latest commits for all parts of MaNGOS Zero without using Git.

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