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Help with GetBattleGroundEntryPoint


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I Think that's not bug report(I'm sure) but i don't know where to post this topic. So I'm writing to bug report and i'm searching for help :-)

On OregonCore this fix is working it means showing to friend list join position of player ( for example: Orgrimmar ) Not arena :-) so there is one Part of Code:

friendInfo.Area = MapManager::Instance().GetZoneId(pFriend->GetBattleGroundEntryPoint().GetMapId(),




And it wrotes me errors like this:

4>..\\..\\src\\game\\SocialMgr.cpp(213): error C2039: 'GetZoneId' : is not a member of 'MapManager'

4> \\src\\game\\MapManager.h(51) : see declaration of 'MapManager'

4>..\\..\\src\\game\\SocialMgr.cpp(213): error C2039: 'GetMapId' : is not a member of 'WorldLocation'

4> \\src\\game\\Object.h(71) : see declaration of 'WorldLocation'

4>..\\..\\src\\game\\SocialMgr.cpp(214): error C2039: 'GetPositionX' : is not a member of 'WorldLocation'

4> \\src\\game\\Object.h(71) : see declaration of 'WorldLocation'

4>..\\..\\src\\game\\SocialMgr.cpp(215): error C2039: 'GetPositionY' : is not a member of 'WorldLocation'

4> \\src\\game\\Object.h(71) : see declaration of 'WorldLocation'

4>..\\..\\src\\game\\SocialMgr.cpp(216): error C2039: 'GetPositionZ' : is not a member of 'WorldLocation'

4> \\src\\game\\Object.h(71) : see declaration of 'WorldLocation'

It means there are no defned things in worldlocation and player, so how to get it working , how it have mangos there definitions ? thx to reply :-)

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