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Achievement String Values

Guest Ruafo

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I am working with AchievementMgr.cpp. This section in particular:

// broadcast realm first reached

WorldPacket data(SMSG_SERVER_FIRST_ACHIEVEMENT, strlen(GetPlayer()->GetName())+1+8+4+4);

data << GetPlayer()->GetName();

data << GetPlayer()->GetObjectGuid();

data << uint32(achievement->ID);

data << uint32(0); // 1=link supplied string as player name, 0=display plain string


I want to extract the Player's name and the Achievement name as string values. I'm not certain on the code though.

Can anyone verify if I'm on the right track?

std::string pname = GetPlayer()->GetName();

std::string atitle = achievement->name();

NOTE: I know I am off base on the achievement name... but I think the player name will work. Thoughts?

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I'm actually trying to output achievements for MangChat. So I am building the string for what will be broadcast into the IRC module.

In Visual Studio when I try to get "name" for "achievement" (i.e. achievement->name ) using string I get "no suitable constructor exists". So, I know I'm not assembling it right, I just can't seem to get my head around 'how'.

Here is the whole piece of code I'm working with (for reference):

// broadcast realm first reached

WorldPacket data(SMSG_SERVER_FIRST_ACHIEVEMENT, strlen(GetPlayer()->GetName())+1+8+4+4);

data << GetPlayer()->GetName();

data << GetPlayer()->GetObjectGuid();

data << uint32(achievement->ID);

data << uint32(0); // 1=link supplied string as player name, 0=display plain string

//Transmit Achievement to IRC

std::string pname = GetPlayer()->GetName();

std::string a_title = achievement->name

std::string channel = std::string("#") + sIRC._irc_chan[sIRC.Status];

sIRC.Send_IRC_Channel(channel, "\\00311["+pname+"] : Has Achieved: "+a_title, true);


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See above. Apparently I was editing the post while you posted. :)

// broadcast realm first reached

WorldPacket data(SMSG_SERVER_FIRST_ACHIEVEMENT, strlen(GetPlayer()->GetName())+1+8+4+4);

data << GetPlayer()->GetName();

data << GetPlayer()->GetObjectGuid();

data << uint32(achievement->ID);

data << uint32(0); // 1=link supplied string as player name, 0=display plain string

//Transmit Achievement to IRC

std::string pname = GetPlayer()->GetName();

std::string a_title = achievement->name

std::string channel = std::string("#") + sIRC._irc_chan[sIRC.Status];

sIRC.Send_IRC_Channel(channel, "\\00311["+pname+"] : Has Achieved: "+a_title, true);


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could you please post the definition of the Send_irc.... function aswell?

Oh. Certainly:

// Send a message to the specified IRC channel

void Send_IRC_Channel(std::string sChannel, std::string sMsg, bool NoPrefix = false, std::string nType = "PRIVMSG");

Lillecarl, You like a challenge don't you? Not the first time you've helped me. I have a lot of respect for your coding talents. I'm very strong with PHP, but C++ has always been more of a challenge for me.

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Haha, define talents ;) Im not that good, i just dont give up that easily! ;)

i think you should do it something like this:

       //Transmit Achievement to IRC
       std::string irc_message = ("Player: %s achieved: %s",GetPlayer()->GetName(),achievement->name)
       std::string channel = std::string("#") + sIRC._irc_chan[sIRC.Status];
       sIRC.Send_IRC_Channel(channel, irc_message, /*unsure would look at another irc output example*/,  /*unsure would look at another irc output example*/);

This is just what is popping up in my mind that might solve your problems, since i do not have the mangchat patch inside my core yet. Where can i find the mangchat patch? ;)

Anyways, provide feedback if it works or not! ;)

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Nope. Still not exactly right. Here is what I have after I modified what you gave me:

//Transmit Achievement to IRC

std::string irc_message = ("Player: %s achieved: %s",GetPlayer()->GetName(),achievement->name);

std::string channel = std::string("#") + sIRC._irc_chan[sIRC.Status];

sIRC.Send_IRC_Channel(channel, irc_message, irc_message, true);

For reference, this is what I wrote for player.cpp to echo the level when someone achieves a new level. Not sure if that will help at all.

char plevel [3];

sprintf(plevel, "%u", level);

std::string pname = GetName();

std::string channel = std::string("#") + sIRC._irc_chan[sIRC.anchn].c_str();

sIRC.Send_IRC_Channel(channel, "\\00311["+pname+"] : Has Reached Level: "+plevel, true);

(Might be hard to believe, but I actually helped to develop MangChat. I'm Shinzon... I started the thread for it when mangos converted over to the new forum.)

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