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[11940]DB Scripts Engine rewrite


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Db-script system

Fresh version: http://paste2.org/p/1963058

(need to add #include "GridNotifiers.h" #include "Cell.h" into ScriptMgr.cpp for non-pch compile, thx to neatelves for testing)

This patch expands all commands to be able to use the "buddy" (that is search npc/go by entry in range) concept.

Therefore I replaced two datalong columns with entry, radius columns.


- Code Simplification, because to get source and target for a command could be generalized

- For DB-people the format of the script tables will be easier, because all commands get much more similar

- Many commands will become more powerfull


* Except outdated flag commands, all commands support the buddy concept

* Unified and improved a lot of debug and error output

* Engine moved to ScriptMgr.cpp, in Map only the code calling is still located

Please test!

For testing be aware to run the sql files in sql/update which start with 77777_ as revisions :)

Please focus on the convert changes!

Note when testing: This will change content and structure of the _scripts tables, hence you should test on a clean world-database, which you can reset easily.

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Just to clarify:

I think that the core changes itself are ok (though ofc can have still issues).

BUT I most likely (still) destroy some old scripts because of missing/ bad sql UPDATE statements.

So I would appreciate feedback and serious review of actual changes that happen with the statements, and which commands have problems.

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Little bump :)

Fresh version: http://paste2.org/p/1963058

(need to add #include "GridNotifiers.h" #include "Cell.h" into ScriptMgr.cpp for non-pch compile, thx to neatelves for testing)


* Except outdated flag commands, all commands support the buddy concept

* Unified and improved a lot of debug and error output

* Engine moved to ScriptMgr.cpp, in Map only the code calling is still located

Please test Especially, but not only the old-script to new system conversion!

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mangos: 11938

UDB: 404

SD2: 2478

ACID: 3.0.9c

compiled without problems...

no crashes (newest ver.)

1st day - Tested on old scripts - no unexpected errors (only gossips, but as u said before ... they must be checked manualy)

2nd day - creating new scripts ..(chcecked most commands .. for source and buddy) -- see no problems

- checked 2 new options (wasnt able to to that in old script sys.)

cast spell on target/buddy - work fine

force buddy to move with command 3 - work fine

So .. +1 from me


Grz3s - UDB Fixer

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