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HearthStone Modification (CoolDown)

Guest jpmythic

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I have searched all three forums ( Here/SD2/UDB ) and have seen alot of things about the

issue with trying to change the HearthStone Cooldown period, Lots of suggestions, but none worked.

Now I have looked at it and played with and thought this should do it, but it doesn't work either.

I suspect most likely due to wrong settings in this Change...

I set this up in CharacterHandler.cpp during the Character Login...

      //Mythic HearthStone Mod
   int32 hearth_mod = 3600000;
   switch( vip_level )
       case 0:        hearth_mod = hearth_mod * 0.5;    break;
       case 1:        hearth_mod = hearth_mod * 0.4;    break;
       case 2:        hearth_mod = hearth_mod * 0.3;    break;
       case 3:        hearth_mod = hearth_mod * 0.2;    break;
       case 4:        hearth_mod = hearth_mod * 0.1;    break;
       default:    hearth_mod = hearth_mod * 0.05;    break;

   SpellModifier *mod = new SpellModifier;
   mod->value = hearth_mod;
   mod->type = SPELLMOD_FLAT;
   mod->spellId = 8690;
   mod->effectId = SPELL_EFFECT_DUMMY;
   mod->lastAffected = NULL;
   mod->mask = 0x001000000000LL;
   mod->charges = 0;
   pCurrChar->AddSpellMod(mod, true);


And this has no effect...

I suspect perhaps I need to change either/both the values for:

[ mod->effectId / mod->mask / mod->charges ]

The problem is, there so little documentation for these values...

This idea above came from looking at what it is supposed to do just like

Items worn (weapons/armor/rings) and Talents do modifications to Cooldowns and Cast time

I have also tried this in Spell.cpp

with the latest settings I am trying next:

void Spell::SendSpellCooldown()
      // prevent 0 cooldowns set by another way
      if (rec <= 0 && catrec <= 0 && (cat == 76 || cat == 351))
         rec = _player->GetAttackTime(RANGED_ATTACK);

      //Mythic HearthStone Mod
   //Mythic DEBUG Vip Mods
   //Adjust by Vip Level 
   if ( m_spellInfo->Id == 8690 ) //&& _player->isVip() )    //(HearthStone) Spell only Modified here
       //Mythic DEBUG Msg
       //sLog.outError("HearthStone check ocuring..>");
       rec = 3600000;    //Default 60 Mins
       switch (_player->charfdb_level)    //Vip Level
           case 0:        rec = rec * 0.5;    break;
           case 1:        rec = rec * 0.4;    break;
           case 2:        rec = rec * 0.3;    break;
           case 3:        rec = rec * 0.2;    break;
           case 4:        rec = rec * 0.1;    break;
           default:            rec = rec * 0.05;    break;
       _player->AddSpellCooldown(m_spellInfo->Id, SPELLMOD_COOLDOWN, rec);


Alrite, I just tried the Above again with No Effect...

And yes, I know about changing the SpellCooldown in the Database for Item_Templates..

That of Course has no Effect except to change the Description for the TImeout Period, No actual change to CoolDown period itself.

And I clear my Game Cache before attempting the Changes...

(end Edit)

Seems like something is Being Locked down in the CLient,

My next step is a Modified script that will be attached to the Hearthstone

and use a Dummy Spell for On_Use instead of the SpellId 8690 (casts hearthstone).

Any Suggestiosn Or Ideas with what I have tried?

Currently using:

Linux Debian

Mangos Ver 6918

SD2 Ver 803

Acid 0.0.5


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