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[dev]BG equal groups generation

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After geting some complains about the BGs being not fair( on my server the aliance:horde ratio is about 1:2) so WSG 5 vs 10 or similiar are quete often, i started developing a algorithm that generates the selectionpools from the BG queues equally.

here you have the code http://pastebin.com/f56798824

It is for a rather old mangos rev so it could need some fixing.

I need testing, especially on AV if the algorithm isnt too slow.

for research see wikipedia

If you find any bug or improvement tell me ;)

EDIT: 25.1. fixed some bugs


read the declaration of the functions... BattleGroundQueue::aproximation etc

place it in the BattleGroundMgr.cpp and add to BattleGroundMgr.h you can use it instead od the BuildSelectionPool that is called from Update

wont paste here full code, i already said my rev is a lot older than the newest mangoscore

  • 2 weeks later...

can you then please post it as patchfile here ("git diff origin/master" or "svn diff" or "diff -Naur folder1 folder2")

this can be easier read and applied to mangos thanks for your work :)

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