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GM Commands ?




Hi guys , is there a list of GM Commands anywhere that work with getmangos ? i googled but all i could come up with was http://getmangos.eu/wiki/List_of_GM_Commands which is a dead link :(

for e.g i have tried giving myself armour with .additem #22423 from the tier 3 naxx set

Tier 3 Warrior

Dreadnaught Bracers - 22423

Dreadnaught Breastplate - 22416

Dreadnaught Gauntlets - 22421

Dreadnaught Waistguard - 22422

Dreadnaught Helmet - 22418

Dreadnaught Legplates - 22417

Dreadnaught Pauldrons - 22419

Dreadnaught Sabatons - 22420

Dreadnaught Ring - 23059

each time returns "could not find '(item number)' "

*edit ,nvm was a noob error by myself ,instead of .additem #22423 i should have been putting .additem 22423

2 answers to this question

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Rather than google old command lists, you can view them all in your database under the -Command- table.

Also for sets of armor you can do .lookup itemset and .additemset



Alternatively download and install MaNGOLin as it lists all the available commands, it takes them directly from the database and can be found under the Help option.




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