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creatures and npcs sound

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i have q that mangos how handle creatures and npcs sounds

in official server every creature have sound and npcs have voice

this feature of game has really good effect on gaming

for examle in offi u can hear fly sound around dragons flying

i dont saw this feature in code or db

but i know that in scriptdev we have feature like this but its not really enough for all

creatures if we have some simple feature for simple sounds will helpful


for alterac valley i used sniffitzt for battleground-sounds

as gm you can do .debug sound #id and then try the sound again if your're unsure..

also an idea is, you look for the right dbcs.. and hope they have some information about the sounds in it.. (maybe you can find out it's somehow connected to wdb - this will be cool)

Neither. Client.

Are you sure? I remember a situation some time ago when I was playing a male character and had female sounds ... some debug command solved it at that time.

Are you sure? I remember a situation some time ago when I was playing a male character and had female sounds

The character is saved server-side, so if server tells client it's female, a female voice plays.

However, the above examples "out of range" voice, etc are handled 100% by the client with no server intervention.

That's not to say that the server doesn't perform range checks- but if the server decides you're out of range, you get a textual message instead of an audible one.

Indirectly, the DB can cause you to get the "I can't attack that target" message due to flags or faction- but it's the client that performs the checks based on the DB data and then determines whether to play the sound clip or not.

Not all sounds are client-controlled; player emotes and mob messages are DB or script controlled- but the examples given above are client controlled.

Are you sure? I remember a situation some time ago when I was playing a male character and had female sounds ... some debug command solved it at that time.

Your character was female but your model was still male. Client says - hmm ok play female sounds but you still see a male character. I don't know if MaNGOS has fixed this exact issue but that is exactly what was happening.

At one time this happened when you were drunk (ironically enough) because the "drunk bits" were near the male / female bit and MaNGOS wasn't handling it correctly.

Not all sounds are client-controlled; player emotes and mob messages are DB or script controlled- but the examples given above are client controlled.

Just to continue a little bit here. The aggro sound played by mobs is actually MaNGOS controlled and uses a DBC file to figure out what sound op code to send to client (the mrgrrlglgl from murlocs for example).

Death sounds and all attack, spell sounds are done by the client when animations are triggered.

Generally DB or Script only have to write code to play very special sounds such as creature speeches or doors unlocking.

The aggro sound played by mobs is actually MaNGOS controlled and uses a DBC file to figure out what sound op code to send to client (the mrgrrlglgl from murlocs for example).

Not entirely correct, Mangos does not send anything but a notification about aggro, nothing read from any dbc, nor does it control anything except sending the below.

bool Unit::Attack(Unit *victim, bool meleeAttack)
       WorldPacket data(SMSG_AI_REACTION, 12);
       data << uint64(GetGUID());
       data << uint32(AI_REACTION_AGGRO);                  // Aggro sound
       ((WorldObject*)this)->SendMessageToSet(&data, true);

       ((Creature*)this)->SetCombatStartPosition(GetPositionX(), GetPositionY(), GetPositionZ());

When client receive this, it select sound and plays it all by itself, all out of Mangos' control.


Damn, Ntsc... what happened to the days when we were the ones teaching NoFantasy how MaNGOS worked, now it's the other way around... :)

Well, this is a learning project- and I think we all just learned something from this thread. :)

Not entirely correct, Mangos does not send anything but a notification about aggro, nothing read from any dbc, nor does it control anything except sending the below.

Ah lol, I always thought we sent the sound id in that op code...oh well, I guess that makes it another "reaction" done client side.

Damn, Ntsc... what happened to the days when we were the ones teaching NoFantasy how MaNGOS worked, now it's the other way around... :)

Haha, I must be losing my touch with MaNGOS. It has been a while since I've even compiled it let alone coded for MaNGOS.


thanks all for replays

but i have idea about mangos

i dont know the mangos team or forum members activity is slow or medium or fast

but if something shows activity on project that will really helpful

and TO do file may be helpful too

its just an idea:D

if is there any plz link that

and 1 q about sounds

if u play with any patch offi servers handle sounds realy good

any idea about that

and if sb can help me about creatures moving thro walls

link topic plz

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