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[Solved] Help with 1.12.1 Mangos Zero Files



Hey guys just compiled my first ever server, New to this compile stuff followed some nice guides got sick of using repacks for 5 years and wanted to try and compile, Anyways i could do with a little help please i am a little stuck at what to do with some files etc,

1st thing is should i be using VS 2013 and BuildEverything_VC120 ? or am i okay to use 2010 still whats the differences ? is the Compile and outcome of the server the same when using 2010 and not 2013 ?

I used BuildEverything_VC100 instead of using mangosdVC100, Is that okay i got the following results using BuildEverything_VC100,

Build: 19 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

The other question is i'm in my core's server folder and I'm looking in C:\Users\jack\server\bin\Win32_Release, Do i need to move the files from my src folder,

I have the following folders Framework, Game, Mangosd realmd scripts, shared tools in C:\Users\jack\server\src

I know i must move the Magnos configs and cores for realmd and Mangos I was just wondering if i have to move anything else into my Cores folder? seams like the scripts are missing,

Am i missing something i thought you didn't have to git hub Scrpitdev2 anymore as it's included in the compile of the core ?

I've had classic repacks before but they all had folders in them like Scripts tool's etc

I looked all over for help on were to move the files or do i just leave them could really do with some help guys thanks for reading,

Any help will be gratefully appreciated

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2 answers to this question

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1. There are 2 build schemes possible. A more simple one is to use a pre-built VS solution file (*.sln). BuildEverything is for build of any available binary, which are a) server components realmd/mangosd and b) the extractor tools for map/vmap/mmap extraction. There are solution files for building individual extractors and one for all extractor together, BuildTools. A more complex (don't understand why it is viewed so) is using cmake program under Win. The program allows to generate the solution file for building any components of your choice, and also to change several defaults like the installation path etc., with exactly your compiler version. It's why I prefer this scheme.

2. _vc120, _vc110, vc100 solution files are equivalent and intended for VS 2013 (ver12.0), 2012 (11.0), and 2010 (10.0) respectively. A newer compiler version is in theory able to use an older file, at a risk of building problems. In all cases, the same content should be built.

3. Build scheme should be constructed in the way that ALL resulting files you need you find in the build/ folder, under subfolder either bin/Debug/ or bin/Release/ depending on your build type. However, the current build system copies conf files directly to the install folder, which placement is set up at Cmake stage. Using pre-built *.sln, you do not know what the folder to be and, probably, have no one (is it auto-created?). If you do not find *.conf files under your building tree, you could copy them to your server root folder from:




and rename dropping double extension "dist.in".

4. Scripts are integrated now into the mangosd binary, so forget about script dll and separated SD config/DB part. (For upper versions, Three and above, the integration process may be not completed yet). Eluna scripts represent a different part and found in lua_scripts/ folder under the building tree.

5. The files you require to start the server (ie to be placed into the server root folder):









Folders: dbc/, maps/, vmaps/, mmaps/, optionally lua_scripts/.

Do not forget to set up DB parameters in the new config files.

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