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I can't seem to be talking to Miran to start the next part of this quest. I checked the creature_involvedrelation table, which should be the table with creatures that end quests. There is a record here. I've compared several columns, but found no notable differences, to me. Only in creature_template I found differences between this guy and the guy next to him in factionalliance, factionhorde and creaturetypeflags. Though I'm not sure what these do as when I changed them, nothing notable changed in game.

UPDATE creature_template SET factionalliance = 1618, factionhorde = 1618, creaturetypeflags = 4096 WHERE entry = 1379;
UPDATE creature_template SET factionalliance = 57, factionhorde = 57, creaturetypeflags = 0 WHERE entry = 1379;

But this is as far as my knowledge of quests goes.

The queries below show the quest:

SELECT * FROM creature_involvedrelation WHERE quest = 454;
SELECT * FROM mangoszero.creature_template WHERE entry = 1379;
SELECT * FROM mangoszero.quest_template WHERE entry = 454;

Can anyone show the way to fixing this quest? :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is a query to be added to your list:

SELECT * FROM script_binding WHERE TYPE=0 AND bind=1379;

revealing that the mob is handled by a C++ script. However, the issue is seemingly not in the script.

Faction template defines reaction type, friendly/hostile. If you see the mob as green (friendly) in gm off mode, then there is no need to change these values. Some partial description of CreatureTypeFlags can be found here. This field has nothing to do with quests usually.

For a start, I would try to add UNIT_NPC_FLAG_GOSSIP=0x1 flag (creature_template.npcflags field). I have read somewhere that if a NPC has more than 1 action in the gossip (for example, trading and quest giving), this flag needs to be set. Unfortunately I cannot test it having no local server at hand yet.

UPD. However the issue may be related to this one. So the next testing step must be revoking the script from the mob mentioned.

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