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bdebaere last won the day on December 10 2016

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  1. bdebaere


    This is in general missing for a lot of talents. The spell_affect table has 250 records currently. If a talent has no effect, it could be that this info is missing.
  2. bdebaere


    Added example usage of spell_affect and clarified description.
  3. This is not the only Burning Crusade thing which was in code or database. I wasn't around then but it could be that Mangos zero was backported from one of the later expansions.
  4. Flying does not work in Mangos zero (vanilla) as it did not exist then.
  5. ANY mount can be used in that instance. It is the only vanilla instance where mounts are allowed, because of its size.
  6. Changed Status to Unconfirmed Changed Assigned to bdebaere Changed Implemented Version to 22.1 Changed Milestone to 24 Changed Priority to New / Assign Priority
  7. Changed Status to Cannot Reproduce Changed Implemented Version to 22.1 Changed Milestone to 24 Changed Priority to New / Assign Priority
  8. This works. You probably did not go deep enough into the mine. https://ibb.co/jGvB55
  9. What about multiple ranks? Do you have info on that?
  10. Last I checked this works now: https://ibb.co/kK0KQ5 https://ibb.co/nhLKQ5
  11. We can work on it together, add me on Skype.
  12. This is wrong in the dbc itself. We have two choices here: create and maintain a separate table with fixes for Spell.dbc or add an exception in code.
  13. Please provide screenshots proving the speed or at least the name of the mount.
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