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Posts posted by tehavatar

  1. ---------------------------

    Message from webpage


    Error in 'View XSL Transform': Error while parsing "http://wow.sarealm.co.za:81/Armory/battlegroups.xml". Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document.




    This is an error message I receive in latest Internet Explorer.

    Further informations say the problem is in "battlegroups.xml" but this file not exist. I think it refers to the XSL file?

    How can it be fixed?

  2. Hi guys.

    Firstly, I realise this question SHOULD actually be asked on a content development forum, but I need some detailed specifications and lack of activity on the UDB forum, I decided to ask my question here.

    In development:


    Above is a screenshot of current development on my WH looter, but I have no idea how Mangos handles loot and I CANNOT seem to get it right.

    I need someone to explain to me exactly how loot chance/reference/amount/percentage all comes into play.

    Here are a few questions that I can think of right now: (db related)

    -How do I make MINIMUM 2 items drop from a specific GROUP of items?

    -How do I properly assign loot to groups? (in reference table)

    -How do I properly assign loot to groups in creature_loot table ++ what is the point of grouping items here?

    At the moment the loot system is an obscurity to me, ive researched as much as I could it doesnt make sense to me!.

    For example: 4 queries.

    INSERT INTO `creature_loot_template` VALUES
    (10184, 1, 100, 0, -50001, 2, 0, 0, 0);
    INSERT INTO `reference_loot_template` VALUES
    (50001, 49318, 18.64, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
    INSERT INTO `reference_loot_template` VALUES
    (50001, 49319, 18.35, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
    INSERT INTO `reference_loot_template` VALUES
    (50001, 49322, 18.22, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);

    In above example in "creature_loot_template" i set entry for reference loot drop "50001" with field maxcount = 2.

    The objective: Creature 10184 must drop 2 items from reference loot 50001.

    The result: Creature 10184 drop sometimes 1 item sometimes 2 items from reference loot 50001.

    :S :S

    Thank you very much for reading!

  3. Rev 9755

    Offi: When mage casts invisibility, mage goes invisible... but any action performed (eat food, hearth.. mount) should cancel invisibility

    Mangos: When mage casts invisibility, mage goes invisible but mage can eat food... drink potions, mount and even hearth away.

    This makes PVP against mages impossible, especially ARCANE mages with no fade time for invisibility.

  4. Today every table related to the table item_instance wiped on my server. I dont know if this is an isolated case or if this is due to something I did- I would like some input. I did do some things related to item earlier today. Here is a list of things I did.

    *I create a character dump with .pdump

    *Attempted to load character dump but was told it is *invalid*

    *Changed the maximum size of the "guid" field in item_instance to 13 from 11 and changed the field type to "bigint" instead of "int"

    The above happened this morning, and there was absolutely no problems with the server, it ran 100%.

    I restarted the server a while ago and boom, 0 rows in mail_item, auctionhouse, character_inventory and guild_bank_item

    -What could have possibly caused this? Why did this happen when the server restarted and not while characters saved etc?

    Thanks in advanced!

  5. Hi, I upgraded to mangos version of the dual spec patch and this error occurs:

    Attempt assign query to holder index (25) where other query stored (Old: [sELECT
    spell, spec FROM character_talent WHERE guid='27'] New: [sELECT talent_id, curr
    ent_rank, spec FROM character_talent WHERE guid = '27'])

    Can someone please explain this error?

    *My db for mangos dual spec is in correct format.

  6. Here is RemoveGridMapReference crash:

    Revision: * * 9642 dde8088802da2da25b42d869aa0a90e2684af27d
    Date 30:3:2010. Time 22:12 
    *** Hardware ***
    Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU            5120  @ 1.86GHz
    Number Of Processors: 4
    Physical Memory: 2090392 KB (Available: 17260 KB)
    Commit Charge Limit: 4194303 KB
    *** Operation System ***
    Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1 (Version 6.0, Build 6001)
    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
    Fault address:  004D6794 01:000D5794 D:\\Server\\WoW\\mangosd.exe
    SS:ESP:002B:08BD587C  EBP:08BD78A8
    DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    004D6794  00000000  MapInstanced::RemoveGridMapReference+D4
    004D6605  00000000  Map::UnloadGrid+2B5
    004D68C7  00000000  Map::UnloadAll+87
    004D1D95  00000000  Map::~Map+65
    004DACF2  00000000  InstanceMap::~InstanceMap+92
    004F3CE0  00000000  InstanceMap::`vector deleting destructor'+50
    00867CF0  00000000  MapInstanced::DestroyInstance+B0
    00866CF2  00000000  MapInstanced::Update+C2
    0069EC88  00000000  MapManager::Update+128
    0063A7EA  00000000  World::Update+B5A
    0045453E  00000000  WorldRunnable::run+8E
    008D27B9  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    70F51B84  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCCB4C
    74923433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    749234C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    75BAE4A5  00000000  BaseThreadInitThunk+E
    7781CFED  00000000  RtlCreateUserProcess+8C
    7781D1FF  00000000  RtlCreateProcessParameters+4E
    Local Variables And Parameters
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    004D6794  00000000  MapInstanced::RemoveGridMapReference+D4
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'p'
    004D6605  00000000  Map::UnloadGrid+2B5
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'x'
       Local  <user defined> 'y'
    punting on symbol pForce
    punting on symbol gx
    punting on symbol gy
       Local  <user defined> 'grid'
    004D68C7  00000000  Map::UnloadAll+87
       Local  <user defined> 'i'
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol pForce
    004D1D95  00000000  Map::~Map+65
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    004DACF2  00000000  InstanceMap::~InstanceMap+92
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    004F3CE0  00000000  InstanceMap::`vector deleting destructor'+50
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    00867CF0  00000000  MapInstanced::DestroyInstance+B0
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'itr'
    00866CF2  00000000  MapInstanced::Update+C2
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 't'
       Local  <user defined> 'i'
    0069EC88  00000000  MapManager::Update+128
       Local  <user defined> 'iter'
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol diff
    0063A7EA  00000000  World::Update+B5A
    punting on symbol i
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol diff
    0045453E  00000000  WorldRunnable::run+8E
    punting on symbol diff
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol realCurrTime
    punting on symbol realPrevTime
    punting on symbol prevSleepTime
    008D27B9  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    punting on symbol param
       Local  <user defined> '_task'
    70F51B84  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCCB4C
    74923433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    749234C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    75BAE4A5  00000000  BaseThreadInitThunk+E
    7781CFED  00000000  RtlCreateUserProcess+8C
    7781D1FF  00000000  RtlCreateProcessParameters+4E
    Global Variables


    Revision: * * 9642 dde8088802da2da25b42d869aa0a90e2684af27d
    Date 30:3:2010. Time 22:1 
    *** Hardware ***
    Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU            5120  @ 1.86GHz
    Number Of Processors: 4
    Physical Memory: 2090392 KB (Available: 91828 KB)
    Commit Charge Limit: 4194303 KB
    *** Operation System ***
    Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1 (Version 6.0, Build 6001)
    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
    Fault address:  004D6794 01:000D5794 D:\\Server\\WoW\\mangosd.exe
    SS:ESP:002B:08BD587C  EBP:08BD78A8
    DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    004D6794  00000000  MapInstanced::RemoveGridMapReference+D4
    004D6605  00000000  Map::UnloadGrid+2B5
    004D68C7  00000000  Map::UnloadAll+87
    004D1D95  00000000  Map::~Map+65
    004DACF2  00000000  InstanceMap::~InstanceMap+92
    004F3CE0  00000000  InstanceMap::`vector deleting destructor'+50
    00867CF0  00000000  MapInstanced::DestroyInstance+B0
    00866CF2  00000000  MapInstanced::Update+C2
    0069EC88  00000000  MapManager::Update+128
    0063A7EA  00000000  World::Update+B5A
    0045453E  00000000  WorldRunnable::run+8E
    008D27B9  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    70F51B84  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCCB4C
    74923433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    749234C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    75BAE4A5  00000000  BaseThreadInitThunk+E
    7781CFED  00000000  RtlCreateUserProcess+8C
    7781D1FF  00000000  RtlCreateProcessParameters+4E
    Local Variables And Parameters
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    004D6794  00000000  MapInstanced::RemoveGridMapReference+D4
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'p'
    004D6605  00000000  Map::UnloadGrid+2B5
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'x'
       Local  <user defined> 'y'
    punting on symbol pForce
    punting on symbol gx
    punting on symbol gy
       Local  <user defined> 'grid'
    004D68C7  00000000  Map::UnloadAll+87
       Local  <user defined> 'i'
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol pForce
    004D1D95  00000000  Map::~Map+65
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    004DACF2  00000000  InstanceMap::~InstanceMap+92
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    004F3CE0  00000000  InstanceMap::`vector deleting destructor'+50
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    00867CF0  00000000  MapInstanced::DestroyInstance+B0
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'itr'
    00866CF2  00000000  MapInstanced::Update+C2
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 't'
       Local  <user defined> 'i'
    0069EC88  00000000  MapManager::Update+128
       Local  <user defined> 'iter'
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol diff
    0063A7EA  00000000  World::Update+B5A
    punting on symbol i
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol diff
    0045453E  00000000  WorldRunnable::run+8E
    punting on symbol diff
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol realCurrTime
    punting on symbol realPrevTime
    punting on symbol prevSleepTime
    008D27B9  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    punting on symbol param
       Local  <user defined> '_task'
    70F51B84  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCCB4C
    74923433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    749234C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    75BAE4A5  00000000  BaseThreadInitThunk+E
    7781CFED  00000000  RtlCreateUserProcess+8C
    7781D1FF  00000000  RtlCreateProcessParameters+4E
    Global Variables

    And another:

    Revision: * * 9614 d9d9c01bb633bffacf839cc42af3942c41268f8f
    Date 27:3:2010. Time 21:58 
    *** Hardware ***
    Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU            5120  @ 1.86GHz
    Number Of Processors: 4
    Physical Memory: 2090392 KB (Available: 123100 KB)
    Commit Charge Limit: 4194303 KB
    *** Operation System ***
    Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1 (Version 6.0, Build 6001)
    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
    Fault address:  004D34E4 01:000D24E4 D:\\Server\\WoW\\mangosd.exe
    SS:ESP:002B:08CC7888  EBP:08CC98B4
    DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    004D34E4  00000000  MapInstanced::RemoveGridMapReference+D4
    004D3369  00000000  Map::UnloadGrid+279
    004D3617  00000000  Map::UnloadAll+87
    004CEDC5  00000000  Map::~Map+65
    004D7922  00000000  InstanceMap::~InstanceMap+92
    004EFFE0  00000000  InstanceMap::`vector deleting destructor'+50
    00858B00  00000000  MapInstanced::DestroyInstance+B0
    00857B92  00000000  MapInstanced::Update+C2
    00692408  00000000  MapManager::Update+128
    00632B3A  00000000  World::Update+B5A
    0045259E  00000000  WorldRunnable::run+8E
    008C1A29  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    749A1B84  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCCB4C
    74B73433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    74B734C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    75BAE4A5  00000000  BaseThreadInitThunk+E
    7781CFED  00000000  RtlCreateUserProcess+8C
    7781D1FF  00000000  RtlCreateProcessParameters+4E
    Local Variables And Parameters
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    004D34E4  00000000  MapInstanced::RemoveGridMapReference+D4
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'p'
    004D3369  00000000  Map::UnloadGrid+279
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'x'
       Local  <user defined> 'y'
    punting on symbol pForce
    punting on symbol gx
    punting on symbol gy
       Local  <user defined> 'grid'
    004D3617  00000000  Map::UnloadAll+87
       Local  <user defined> 'i'
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol pForce
    004CEDC5  00000000  Map::~Map+65
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    004D7922  00000000  InstanceMap::~InstanceMap+92
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    004EFFE0  00000000  InstanceMap::`vector deleting destructor'+50
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    00858B00  00000000  MapInstanced::DestroyInstance+B0
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'itr'
    00857B92  00000000  MapInstanced::Update+C2
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 't'
       Local  <user defined> 'i'
    00692408  00000000  MapManager::Update+128
       Local  <user defined> 'iter'
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol diff
    00632B3A  00000000  World::Update+B5A
    punting on symbol i
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol diff
    0045259E  00000000  WorldRunnable::run+8E
    punting on symbol diff
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol realCurrTime
    punting on symbol realPrevTime
    punting on symbol prevSleepTime
    008C1A29  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    punting on symbol param
       Local  <user defined> '_task'
    749A1B84  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCCB4C
    74B73433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    74B734C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    75BAE4A5  00000000  BaseThreadInitThunk+E
    7781CFED  00000000  RtlCreateUserProcess+8C
    7781D1FF  00000000  RtlCreateProcessParameters+4E
    Global Variables

    Same crash, x3

  7. Further investigation reveals that the bg will start when the minimum requirement is reached for 1 side only. For example, it will start with 10-4

    On offi, it should not start with more than ONE player difference.

    @Balrok. Take your comments elsewhere, devs can either acknowledge or ignore the information, I chose to fix it on my realm. I dont have to waste my time typing out bugs.

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