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Posts posted by temporary

  1. Well i'm about to reinstall everything in the following days ... since i had to format my wow server pc.... let say that the windows update messed it up ... i'll keep you posted

    Btw for the SQL updates, for UDB and Mangos, i beleive they dont drop tables....contrary to ScriptDev2 ... so its not gonna downgrade, your jsut gonna end up with entry already exist etc....

    "Shock" this mean your Characters and realmd db are up to date...altough you need to do the core and update patch #388 to #390 to upgrade your mangos db....

    So yes i beleive theres will be a bunch of row that will say already exist ....until you reach 9539 ...but everything else should be fine...

    I'm wondering altough why their UDB database wouldnt match exactly the next upgrade....anyway gota go

    Take care

  2. haha .... not trying to ....and my nickname here is one i made up just for mangos...so i'm not trying to get any credit....

    If i would have posted my thread here, the problem would have bin that it would have apear in i dunno, page 25.... a month later noone would have ever seen it

    But yes your topic was usefull, since its where i've started to learn everything that i needed to make a server and this is mainly why i've said in my first message that i was greatfull for all the thread blahlbahl....

    Of course i've done the steps you've mention in your first post here and i had to ask few questions since for me as a new user, i had no freaking idea what Mangos was... i though i was gonna install this and everything would have worked... and there started the learn process...

    I made my own document for myself if i ever had to reinstall my pc, and anyway i did use this to practice my microsoft word skills as it is part of my job... and i felt like sharing to everyone....

    I'm not trying to steal your credits or anything as the information you provide was great, but i felt like adding all whats arround this... since you concentrated on your part talking about mangos.... for someone who's new, its not that much of an evidence to get everything up and running the right way....

    So whenever someone is asking for help because he's not familiar with the concept, i glady propose my thread to help that person out...

    Beside if you would like to help me out, i still haven't done the "update" part...where you need to update mangos the scriptdev etc... i'll probably work on this as soon as i know that the AHBot is fully operational...

  3. Yeah well, this thread is to install Mangos only...

    I made mine to talk about the entire installation, because at the beginning you think that mangos is your wow server and thats it....but later on you learn that this isnt the case, and your trying to install one by one the things you find missing ...and you end up messing up everything and gettings errors your not sur what to do with it ...

    So yes stuff changes overtime, but if my thread ever goes out of date, and even though it is refering to mutiples forum and installation that can be change...well at least you'll get the basic...where to look for...

    So you'll need to follow the guide....because part 5 only download Mangos Files.... you'll get your mangosd.exe when part 8 is complete...meaning after you've compile Mangos

    And yes you'll need to do everything...basicly.... beside the Addons...i don't know if they fixed the AHBot yet.... in the case of the Maps DBC, you can do them whenever you want between part 5 and 18... but theres 4 folders, ad.exe is one, and theres also the extrator wich take alot longer.... i've put it at part 11 so you can setup your SQLServer while this is working in background...

  4. thyphoon: The reason why we wouldn't want a character for the AHBot is because, as my understanding of things, they don't want to implement this in Mangos directly (instead of a patch) if its characters related...

    So no character's, the AHBot would be in Mangos instead of an Add-on...

  5. I'm certainly not an expert and i don't know how everythings is written in C++ but if we talk about concept, i would say that you would need to create multiples exceptions in the auction house coding:

    that will accept items without receiving a seller GUID...

    that will sell item doiing nothing to the vendors if no GUID

    then of course you'll still need some codes that will generate items...and if you want a buyer as well, this mean more exception to do....

    but overall you need an expert in C++ and that understand the acution hosue coding to do that...lmao...

  6. I like the idea to have this integrated in the Mangos Core ...while having the option diseable by default in the CFG....

    There could be a line such what we already have

    AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller = 0

    AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer = 0

    Simply put 1 in the CFG to active it....

    You could add a fift account in the Account table in RealmD database and put the name Addon ...character's name AuctionHouse.... or sumthing like that...

    Personaly, thats the only "non-blizzlike" that i would want to a private server... because this is too usefull...

  7. For you error hummm

    I would say....

    Drop all the tables...

    Created them again....use the template characters and realmd ....

    import the latest UDB Core into Mangos Database....(They must have updated the Core of Mangos 9622 and alreayd have all the UDB Updates #389)

    Make the ScriptDev2 table and import the scriptdev2 script.....after that insert ACID...thats it, no updates...

  8. It seem that you're already up to date...

    Mangos is constantly evoluing...they are making changes etc etc....

    It seem that the new UDB Core is already up to date...from what you're telling me, so you might not need to do all theses updates....thats why you need to look at the requirement and what you have in the updates section...

    I mean after my updates, i had version 95 sumthing...

    Your at 9622....

    They might have even change a bit the concept....since it does not look to be the same key name...thats perhaps why some people told in the AHBot section that they had problem with it, updating to 96 sumthing...

    i'll have to check it out some day....

  9. You're welcome. Well i don't know since i haven't had time to played yet... just busy on some other stuff and my needed to play wow went away....lol.... i just made my server....went online, kill few creatures...checked the AH...everything seemed to be there...

    Took a while to find all theses information...i don't think i missed anything..... so i guess you should ask in the ScriptDev2 forum's...if its normal etc etc... as my understanding, its ScriptDev2 that will make the instance possible...with ACID but ACID is for basic sql script so i guess instance are still in C++...

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