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Everything posted by TOM_RUS

  1. There's a flag in realm packet, that forces client to show "Enter pin" popup. AuthSocket.cpp pkt << uint8(securityFlags); // security flags (0x0...0x04) if(securityFlags & 0x01) // PIN input (no idea wtf is that) { pkt << uint32(0); pkt << uint64(0) << uint64(0); // 16 bytes hash? } if(securityFlags & 0x02) // Matrix input (The9 matrix cards) { pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint8(0); pkt << uint64(0); } if(securityFlags & 0x04) // Security token input (aka authenticator) { pkt << uint8(1); }
  2. Or you can patch wow.exe directly... Or you can make a loader, that will patch memory instead (looks more optimal)...
  3. Dunno about so old client version, but some more recent IDB's are available: http://filebeam.com/3e0737d4a1cd992b89bce92fa4bc61b9 http://filebeam.com/3aca0f7c41ea0ed6ba60a87a0d464fd4 http://filebeam.com/19ba9a5a6a78045b5aee383bf88f9290
  4. I guess that SetDestroyAnim(true); should be moved to void Totem::UnSummon() then.
  5. I think you can use data << uint8(GetDestroyAnim()); // WotLK (bool), may be despawn animation instead off passing it as argument... + target->DestroyForPlayer(this, target->GetDestroyAnim());
  6. Opcodes are randomized in both 4.0.1 and 4.0.3.
  7. On my live character tooltip says "Cast time: 1.69 sec" with 20% haste buff.
  8. I can't edit posts/threads at all. My moderator permissions seems to be fucked up. Can it be fixed? Also I have 2 "report" bottons on each post...
  9. SMSG_INSTANCE_LOCK_WARNING_QUERY is exactly what you looking for. I think I figured that out: SMSG_GAMEOBJECT_SPAWN_ANIM_OBSOLETE - should be renamed to something more correct, like SMSG_UPDATE_INSTANCE_ENCOUNTER_UNIT. This opcode fires INSTANCE_ENCOUNTER_ENGAGE_UNIT script event on client side. uint32 type; switch(type) { // I guess there's should be add/update/remove types below case 0: // ENCOUNTER_UNIT case 1: // ENCOUNTER_UNIT case 2: // ENCOUNTER_UNIT PGUID unitGuid; uint8 unk1; break; case 3: // ENCOUNTER_TIMER case 4: // ENCOUNTER_OBJECTIVE case 6: // ENCOUNTER_OBJECTIVE uint8 unk2; break; case 5: // ? uint8 unk3; uint8 unk4; break; case 7: // ? // clears stuff? break; default: break; }
  10. I've disabled js and all FF addons, still lags the same.I've got my own IPB forum, so I've opened the most overloaded page of 30kb compressed (400kb uncompressed) html, and when I scroll rapidly through it trying to blow up my mouse I can only get FF to 15% CPU usage. A small scroll of the current page makes FF consume 25% CPU (1 core) and it lags. Really lags. IDK why. Probably an engine issue? Thanks for the feedback. Edit: I've also tested other browsers on the same machine, scrolling through the current topic: Opera 10.62 — almost no lags Safari 5.02 — almost no lags Google Chrome 6.0.472.63 — lags IE 7 — no lags at all (what?) I tested with: Opera 10.70 build 9053 - works fine Google Chrome 6.0.472.63 - lags IE 8 - works fine So I guess it's problem with Google Chrome, not forum engine.
  11. SMSG_INSTANCE_LOCK_WARNING_QUERY opcode triggers following script events on client side: (if timer <= 0) EVENT_INSTANCE_LOCK_STOP else EVENT_INSTANCE_LOCK_START Related lua functions: lockTimeLeft, isExtended, encountersTotal, encountersComplete = GetInstanceLockTimeRemaining() Packet structure: uint32 lockTimeLeft; // in milliseconds uint32 completedEncountersMask; uint8 isExtended; DungeonEncounter.dbc structure (in client memory) struct DungeonEncounterEntry { int id; int mapId; int instanceDifficulty; int noIdea; int encounterIndex; char *name; // char* name[16]; int nameFlags; int noIdea2; }; void __cdecl sub_553830(int mapId, int instanceDifficulty, int encountersCompletedMask, int *encountersTotal, int *encountersCompleted) { int numRows; // eax@1 int rowCounter; // edx@1 int nextRow; // esi@2 DungeonEncounterEntry *encounter; // eax@5 *encountersTotal = 0; *encountersCompleted = 0; numRows = g_DungeonEncounterDB.numRows; rowCounter = 0; if ( g_DungeonEncounterDB.numRows > 0 ) { nextRow = 0; do { if ( rowCounter < 0 || rowCounter >= numRows ) encounter = 0; else encounter = (DungeonEncounterEntry *)((char *)g_DungeonEncounterDB.FirstRow + nextRow); if ( encounter->mapId == mapId ) { if ( encounter->instanceDifficulty == instanceDifficulty ) { ++*encountersTotal; if ( (1 << encounter->encounterIndex) & encountersCompletedMask ) ++*encountersCompleted; } } numRows = g_DungeonEncounterDB.numRows; ++rowCounter; nextRow += 28; // sizeof(DungeonEncounterEntry) } while ( rowCounter < g_DungeonEncounterDB.numRows ); } } And for the rest - I have no idea what you talking about.
  12. As far I know, they are using TIMING_CHECK for detecting speedhacks (I have no idea how...) It just returns client's tickcount to server.
  13. case 8: // SPELL_AURA_PERIODIC_HEAL case 20: // SPELL_AURA_OBS_MOD_HEALTH CDataStore__GetInt32(a1, (int)&v55); CDataStore__GetInt32(a1, (int)&v54); CDataStore__GetInt32(a1, (int)&v56); CDataStore__GetInt8(a1, (int)&v57);
  14. TOM_RUS

    MMaps Redux

    According to http://mywowtools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/WowTools/src/WoWPacketViewer/Parsers/MonsterMoveParser.cs Unit::SendMonsterMoveByPath() should look like this, or you will broke taxi fly paths: if(flags & SplineFlags(SPLINEFLAG_FLYING | SPLINEFLAG_CATMULLROM)) { for(uint32 i = start; i < end; ++i) { data << float(path[i].x); data << float(path[i].y); data << float(path[i].z); } } else { // destination data << path[end-1].x; data << path[end-1].y; data << path[end-1].z; // all other points are relative float mid_X = (path[start].x + path[end-1].x ) * 0.5f; float mid_Y = (path[start].y + path[end-1].y ) * 0.5f; float mid_Z = (path[start].z + path[end-1].z ) * 0.5f; for(uint32 i = start; i < end-1; ++i) data.appendPackXYZ(mid_X - path[i].x, mid_Y - path[i].y, mid_Z - path[i].z); }
  15. TOM_RUS

    MMaps Redux

    There's a ByteBuffer method for writing packed vectors exists: // can be used in SMSG_MONSTER_MOVE opcode void appendPackXYZ(float x, float y, float z) { uint32 packed = 0; packed |= ((int)(x / 0.25f) & 0x7FF); packed |= ((int)(y / 0.25f) & 0x7FF) << 11; packed |= ((int)(z / 0.25f) & 0x3FF) << 22; *this << packed; } All points should be written relative to middle of path: mid.X = (curr.X + dest.X) * 0.5f; mid.Y = (curr.Y + dest.Y) * 0.5f; mid.Z = (curr.Z + dest.Z) * 0.5f; float x = mid.X - waypoint[n].X; float y = mid.Y - waypoint[n].Y; float z = mid.Z - waypoint[n].Z; packet.appendPackXYZ(x, y, z); And full SMSG_MONSTER_MOVE structure: http://mywowtools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/WowTools/src/WoWPacketViewer/Parsers/MonsterMoveParser.cs Some packet examples: http://paste2.org/p/978981
  16. That module isn't actual module, it's part of wow.exe and all stuff called directly.
  17. maiev.mod string is encrypted in wow.exe...
  18. If I remember correct, amount of talent points is recalculated on login base on player level that makes this command useless.
  19. Most likely just visual bug due to missed opcode changes...
  20. It still exist: signed int __thiscall CGPlayer_C__OnListInventory(void *this, int a2) { int v2; // eax@1 signed int v3; // ecx@1 int _packet; // edi@3 unsigned __int8 v5; // bl@11 int v6; // esi@12 WGUID v8; // [sp+0h] [bp-10h]@3 void *v9; // [sp+8h] [bp-8h]@1 char error; // [sp+Fh] [bp-1h]@4 v9 = this; v2 = &dword_C9D7D0; v3 = 150; do { *v2 = 0; v2 += 32; --v3; } while ( v3 ); _packet = a2; CDataStore__GetInt64(a2, &v8); CDataStore__GetInt8(_packet, (&a2 + 3)); if ( BYTE3(a2) > 150u ) sub_8889B0(&byte_9E14FF, &byte_9E14FF, 0); dword_C9EA90 = v8.guid_low; dword_C9EA94 = v8.guid_high; error = -1; if ( BYTE3(a2) ) { v5 = 0; if ( !BYTE3(a2) ) return 1; do { v6 = 32 * v5; CDataStore__GetInt32(_packet, (&dword_C9D7D0 + v6)); CDataStore__GetInt32(_packet, (&dword_C9D7D4 + v6)); CDataStore__GetInt32(_packet, (&dword_C9D7D8 + v6)); CDataStore__GetInt32(_packet, (&dword_C9D7DC + v6)); CDataStore__GetInt32(_packet, (&dword_C9D7E0 + v6)); CDataStore__GetInt32(_packet, (&dword_C9D7E4 + v6)); CDataStore__GetInt32(_packet, (&dword_C9D7E8 + v6)); CDataStore__GetInt32(_packet, (&dword_C9D7EC + v6)); ++v5; } while ( v5 < BYTE3(a2) ); } else { CDataStore__GetInt8(_packet, &error); switch ( error ) { case 2: ConsoleWrite("You are too far away", 0); break; case 1: ConsoleWrite("I don't think he likes you very much", 0); break; case 0: ConsoleWrite("Vendor has no inventory", 0); break; case 3: ConsoleWrite("Vendor is dead", 0); break; case 4: ConsoleWrite("You can't shop while dead.", 0); break; default: break; } } if ( BYTE3(a2) || !error ) { sub_6D1760(v9); sub_584500(v8.guid_low, v8.guid_high, &dword_C9D7D0, BYTE3(a2)); } return 1; }
  21. May be fixed, who knows...
  22. if ( vehicleSeatId < g_VehicleSeatDB.minIndex || vehicleSeatId > g_VehicleSeatDB.maxIndex ) vehicleSeatEntry = 0; else vehicleSeatEntry = g_VehicleSeatDB.Rows[vehicleSeatId - g_VehicleSeatDB.minIndex]; v7 = *(_DWORD *)(vehicleSeatEntry + 176); // crash here! .text:006182A2 mov eax, [eax+0B0h] // 0xB0h=176 The instruction at "0x006182A2" referenced memory at "0x000000B0". The memory could not be "read". Hope you figured out what is wrong...
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