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Everything posted by TOM_RUS

  1. http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/46830/
  2. There's missing comma in your patch... >>>> mailType pl->GetGUIDLow()
  3. It should be 1 day (blizzlike). Dunno who made it 30 days... Try to check for: if( messagetype == MAIL_CREATURE) { ... }
  4. Today I finally managed to make my sniffer decrypt warden packets properly. There's 3 sessions logged (only warden packets) http://paste2.org/p/454231 http://paste2.org/p/454237 http://paste2.org/p/454240
  5. Ability to speak while dead is client side limitation, we can't do anything about that.
  6. Memory address figured out by using IDA Pro disassembler and it's Hexrays plugin.
  7. What mangos branch, client version you are using?
  8. You should first check if player is in group, then broadcast packet to the group (may be in limited range?). Something like that: if(GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) { if(Group *group = ((Player*)this)->GetGroup()) { WorldPacket data(SMSG_PARTYKILLLOG, (8+8)); //send event PARTY_KILL data << uint64(GetGUID()); //player with killing blow data << uint64(pVictim->GetGUID()); //victim group->BroadcastPacket(&data); // there's some more arguments available... } }
  9. This probably because SMSG_PARTYKILLLOG isn't implemented yet. Structure of this opcode is: SMSG_PARTYKILLLOG uint64 guid1; // caster? uint64 guid2; // target?
  10. This feature will be implemented when it will be implemented on live servers (aka battle.net accounts: cross faction, cross game, cross realm chat) if someone reverse how battle.net 2 protocol works.
  11. Or change false to true, may be it will work...
  12. Crash log you posted not related to this patch.
  13. I have sniffer written in C#. You only can call functions from dll using PInvoke. Is it useful? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc164123.aspx I did some sniffing, and found that RC4 keys are changed after client receives 0x05 warden opcode: http://paste2.org/p/326603
  14. git diff HEAD should work then...
  15. http://i44.tinypic.com/2z88dad.jpg And for patch files: git diff > file.patch (don't think it will include binary files).
  16. Change Opcodes.cpp /*0x2E7*/ { "CMSG_WARDEN_DATA", STATUS_LOGGEDIN, &WorldSession::HandleWardenDataOpcode }, to /*0x2E7*/ { "CMSG_WARDEN_DATA", STATUS_AUTHED, &WorldSession::HandleWardenDataOpcode },
  17. There's signature in warden module and client checks it before loading...
  18. Why not use http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=57818 aura check? If aura present, you then check tabard faction without hardcoding it. if(HasAura(57818)) { Item* pItem = GetItemByPos( INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_0, EQUIPMENT_SLOT_TABARD ) if(item) tabardFactionID = item->GetProto()->RequiredReputationFaction; }
  19. Take a look at void Player::BuildPlayerTalentsInfoData(WorldPacket *data) (Player.cpp). There's a loop through talents tabs and talents in it.
  20. You are wrong. Delays produce even more bugs because too much things changing over time.
  21. Wrong fix, it will break packets order...
  22. MaNGoS now supports the latest client version 3.0.3 build 9183. Enjoy it! Please update yours dbc, maps and vmaps. To convert your current characters and their items use following sql updates: 2008_12_22_18_characters_characters.sql 2008_12_22_19_characters_item_instance.sql MERRY CHRISTMAS! PS: 2.4.3 may continue to be be supported for some time. The "mangos-0.12" branch has been created for it where some fixes may be backported from master if we have time. To create and switch to a local branch named 243 that points to the mangos-0.12 remote branch, you may use the following command: git checkout -b 243 origin/mangos-0.12
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