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  1. After some testing and searching this is what keeps the addons from not working. "quilty" can bee 2 diffrent values deppending on how you search on the AuctionHouse. But both methods should show all objects. This is a simple fix and it solves the problem with not getting any search objects in AH. Now i can see objects and that helps alot diff --git a/src/game/AuctionHouseMgr.cpp b/src/game/AuctionHouseMgr.cpp index 7357cb5..92e8637 100644 --- a/src/game/AuctionHouseMgr.cpp +++ b/src/game/AuctionHouseMgr.cpp @@ -626,7 +626,8 @@ void AuctionHouseObject::BuildListAuctionItems(WorldPacket& data, Player* player if (inventoryType != 0xffffffff && proto->InventoryType != inventoryType) continue; - if (quality != 0xffffffff && proto->Quality != quality) + // quality can bee both 0 and 0xffffffff when you search through objects and whant to show them all. + if (quality != 0xffffffff && quality != 0 && proto->Quality < quality) continue; if (levelmin != 0x00 && (proto->RequiredLevel < levelmin || (levelmax != 0x00 && proto->RequiredLevel > levelmax))) // XEQT
  2. Author of this patch : Me (XEQT) Which revision : 10767 I found a problem with the checks in AuctionHouseMgr. Many AH Addons dosen't work because of this issue and the problem is that the checks isen't right. It checks so that the value isent the same as it self, when we should check if its just lower then stated. Its a quick fix so that addons work propperly. And its so small that i can just put it here. Tested and workes with addons. the fix is below Howto reproduce the error : in wow client write down in say "/script QueryAuctionItems("", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)" (whitout quotes). It should get you all the auctions that is in place but it shows none. // XEQT
  3. Author of this patch : Me (XEQT) Which revision : 10767 I found a problem with the checks in AuctionHouseMgr. Many AH Addons don't work because of this issue and the problem is that the checks isen't right. Its a quick fix so that addons work propperly. And its so small that i can just put it here. Tested and workes with addons. diff --git a/src/game/AuctionHouseMgr.cpp b/src/game/AuctionHouseMgr.cpp index b476b4f..eb7a52e 100644 --- a/src/game/AuctionHouseMgr.cpp +++ b/src/game/AuctionHouseMgr.cpp @@ -617,16 +617,16 @@ void AuctionHouseObject::BuildListAuctionItems(WorldPacket& data, Player* player ItemPrototype const *proto = item->GetProto(); - if (itemClass != 0xffffffff && proto->Class != itemClass) + if (itemClass != 0xffffffff && proto->Class < itemClass) continue; - if (itemSubClass != 0xffffffff && proto->SubClass != itemSubClass) + if (itemSubClass != 0xffffffff && proto->SubClass < itemSubClass) continue; - if (inventoryType != 0xffffffff && proto->InventoryType != inventoryType) + if (inventoryType != 0xffffffff && proto->InventoryType < inventoryType) continue; - if (quality != 0xffffffff && proto->Quality != quality) + if (quality != 0xffffffff && proto->Quality < quality) continue; if (levelmin != 0x00 && (proto->RequiredLevel < levelmin || (levelmax != 0x00 && proto->RequiredLevel > levelmax))) If someone needs a file just write in here and i will upload one. // XEQT
  4. XEQT

    Battle Log

    revils : I use A Warlock and my girlfriend uses a paladin so thats maby the issue. Im not sure where to look but there must bee a code sendning that messes with the log. It would bee great to see this beeing fixed.
  5. XEQT

    Battle Log

    I have tried x32 and the same result .. The log still stops to show heals/hits/miss/absorbs and so on
  6. XEQT

    Battle Log

    I use x64 bit windows 7, and compiling in x64
  7. XEQT

    Battle Log

    Mangos Version: 10326 Custom Patches: None SD2 Version: 1767 Database Name and Version : 392 How it SHOULD work: All type of damge healing and spells should show up in the clients battle log but it dosend. Eroos that can happend is taken a rideing togheter in a group, creating a group. And maby some that i have missed. I have used Dr.Damage, EavesDrop and skada. And they all suffer from the same thing. How it DOES work: Alla things in type of healing, damage including the mob you are figthing should show its damage. And things like pets damage should also show up in diffrent addons to show how much you and they damage and so on. I hope it helps as a bug declaring. // XEQT
  8. I found my problem .. it was the charecter that hade some issue. I created a new one and it worked like magic
  9. I to have this error that the AH don't get any loot. I have checked both the auctionhousebot SQL settings and mangosd.conf Cna someone make a simple setup on how there config is set?
  10. I have the same issue i have a clean UDB DB and i can't get secon talent on any charecter that dident have any .. Is there something i need to add the npc's to bee able to learn it ? // XEQT
  11. GroupHandler.cpp // ok, we do it WorldPacket data(SMSG_GROUP_INVITE, 10); data << uint8(1); // ok if (!GetPlayer()->GetPlayerbotAI())// GetPlayerbotAI()) { data << GetPlayer()->GetName(); player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } else { sLog.outString("Its a bot"); data << membername; HandleGroupAcceptOpcode(data); } SendPartyResult(PARTY_OP_INVITE, membername, PARTY_RESULT_OK); } void WorldSession::HandleGroupAcceptOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { std::string membername; recv_data >> membername; Group *group = GetPlayer()->GetGroupInvite(); if (!group) return; if(group->GetLeaderGUID() == GetPlayer()->GetGUID() && _player->GetGUID() != GetPlayer()->GetGUID() && _player->GetPlayerbotMgr()) { sLog.outError("HandleGroupAcceptOpcode: player %s(%d) tried to accept an invite to his own group", GetPlayer()->GetName(), GetPlayer()->GetGUIDLow()); return; } Whit this it is solved // XEQT
  12. Im almost there .. i solved som of it via this // ok, we do it WorldPacket data(SMSG_GROUP_INVITE, 10); data << uint8(1); // ok if (!GetPlayer()->GetPlayerbotMgr())// GetPlayerbotAI()) { data << GetPlayer()->GetName(); player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } else { data << membername; HandleGroupAcceptOpcode(data); } SendPartyResult(PARTY_OP_INVITE, membername, PARTY_RESULT_OK); the only problem i have now is that it uses the same name back to me in GetPlayer() and _player So there are som stuff to work out .. but i can nearly create a group now .. // XEQT
  13. This is where it fails in worldsession.cpp default: sLog.outError("SESSION: received wrong-status-req opcode %s (0x%.4X)", LookupOpcodeName(packet->GetOpcode()), packet->GetOpcode()); break; } } catch(ByteBufferException &) { sLog.outError("WorldSession::Update ByteBufferException occured while parsing a packet (opcode: %u) from client %s, accountid=%i. Skipped packet.", packet->GetOpcode(), GetRemoteAddress().c_str(), GetAccountId()); if(sLog.IsOutDebug()) { sLog.outDebug("Dumping error causing packet:"); packet->hexlike(); } } delete packet; } // Playerbot mod - Process player bot packets // The PlayerbotAI class adds to the packet queue to simulate a real player // since Playerbots are known to the World obj only by its master's WorldSession object // we need to process all master's bot's packets. if (GetPlayer() && GetPlayer()->GetPlayerbotMgr()) { for (PlayerBotMap::const_iterator itr = GetPlayer()->GetPlayerbotMgr()->GetPlayerBotsBegin(); itr != GetPlayer()->GetPlayerbotMgr()->GetPlayerBotsEnd(); ++itr) { Player* const botPlayer = itr->second; WorldSession* const pBotWorldSession = botPlayer->GetSession(); if (botPlayer->IsBeingTeleported()) botPlayer->GetPlayerbotAI()->HandleTeleportAck(); else if (botPlayer->IsInWorld()) { WorldPacket* packet; while (pBotWorldSession->_recvQueue.next(packet)) { OpcodeHandler& opHandle = opcodeTable[packet->GetOpcode()]; (pBotWorldSession->*opHandle.handler)(*packet); delete packet; } } } }
  14. I could open up a port and set you up if you would like that .. or are you more intrested in the operating system ? You could use a sun virtual box for that its even free
  15. maby .. im looking in grouphandler for some error stepps
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