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Everything posted by xeross155

  1. LUA will boost development of scripts for instances, etc. and what's written in LUA and 100% offi can be ported into C++
  2. I still plan on finishing it, but currently busy getting my server up and running again, I'll try working on it again soon.
  3. For 9652 http://www.mediafire.com/?w5u5qlmyymu If it doesn't apply apply manually, contains some compilation fixes.
  4. I basically replaced MinimalLoad with the following code (Which still works) Code C++: void Player::Initialize(uint32 guid ) { Object::_Create( guid, 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER ); } So it's not yet at the point where the devs want it, but it's a step forward from MinimalLoadFromDB
  5. I'll modify it so you can specify what types of chat to log
  6. I had the same settings twice in my config file, but I doubt you'll have that problem. I'll also check if I didn't mess something up and run a test myself.
  7. I just thought of this instead of really changing someone's faction, can't we just fake the faction for the client ? Edit: Never mind, would get them damage from group members.
  8. Client saves the name so it will stick to 1 name. What might work is spawning an NPC (Dead) as a grave and make it lootable, NPC names don't get saved afaik.
  9. Make sure you have the new config settings instead of the old ones, and make sure you don't have double config settings cus that's why I couldn't get it to work a while back ^^.
  10. Updated to 9652, have not yet investigated the crash. Edit: I just thought of this, if the broadcaster table is MyISAM try switching it to InnoDB to see what happens.
  11. They have just added the POI code into the core, you now just need the data, not sure if that's added in an sql patch but it's floating around somewhere on the UDB forums.
  12. MangChat allows people in-game and on an IRC channel to communicate with eachother.
  13. It should take approximately 1 minute to start its first run. Make sure you configured it properly in both the config file and the database tables.
  14. Some people prefer patch files so I attached one, and yes your way works too. Even better would be to use remotes. git remote add xeross git://github.com/xeross/mangos.git git fetch xeross git checkout -b ahbot xeross/ahbot git pull origin master
  15. Cached as in the WDB files or as in the DBC files, either way it ain't possible to give the stones a specific name
  16. It seems my mangos is messed up, I'll extract a patch and fix the branch, sorry for the inconvenience. Edit: I recreated the branch, should work now, just make sure to undo the old one first or checkout a new local branch altogether. Patch File: http://www.mediafire.com/?mifrwymhjyz
  17. http://github.com/xeross/mangos/tree/ahbot That's my modified version of ahbot, the config option names have changed so you need to update your mangosd.conf. Another change is that loading the ahbot character doesn't query the database anymore so that's a little bit of a performance increase. Report any bugs here please. Regards, Xeross
  18. looking at heugabel's code you need to modify the GetNameForLocaleIdx to return the player's name too, or edit all places where GetNameForLocaleIDX gets called.
  19. Nope, any function you implement in the LUA parser will call a C++ function that handles the actions, so it's only easier to script in, and it's even slower then native C++
  20. Just keep an eye on the pointers thread (Dunno if you created that), in the meantime try to stay on-topic. This indeed seems like a promising new direction for MoveMaps, however I so suggest you make a new thread if you haven't done so yet.
  21. Why are you applying it binary, might work if you don't use binary.
  22. Don't know. Blizzy used packet logged data afaik, perhaps the DBC contains the same data.
  23. Yeh they indeed used a seperate voice chat emu, but you can still use it for reference, even though it broke.
  24. Awesome work, won't bother testing any more as it would be inserted tomorrow and by then you'd have it in the main branch already.
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