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Posts posted by xeross155

  1. okay.. I deleted that repo.. and cloned second one... I pushed the second one.. but I can´t pull it into server... it writes:

    error: Entry 'src/bindings/ScriptDev2/ScriptMgr.h' not uptodate. Cannot merge.

    please help

    Means you changed ScriptMgr.h on your server and that you haven't committed it yet.

  2. EDIT: I tried GM command '.gob tar' and it targets the elevator on the other side of the dungeon, so there isn't a game object that got spawned to block my path or anything... It almost feels like I am being blocked on purpose for some reason. Maybe I'm being flagged as a cheater somehow, even though I am playing 100% legit? Idk...

    Seems he already tried that :/

  3. Please forgive me for being a bit offtopic.

    I don't get it. I'd get it if some git-newbie had used it this way, but I think you're smart enough to have some logic explanation behind it. Because having a replica of mangos/master just doesn't make sense to me, but perhaps there are graphic tools I don't use (tortoisegit, ...) that need to have origin/master reflect some foreign branch, so please enlighten me, I'd really like to know. Thanks.

    two reasons

    1. You have to have a master branch at all times, this seemed like the simplest thing to put there

    2. It makes it easier for newer people to clone and create a patch.

  4. Hey,

    One of my testers has turned into a piece of meat once he used the machete for http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11246/gruesome-but-necessary

    Now I have also inflicted this spell on myself and am also stuck in dead meat form (However I'm stealthed meat so thereby ninja meat).

    Now we have tried morphing to change back but that just puts a model on top of the meat, dying, polymorph spell, etc.

    I don't have any idea how to get our characters back to normal.

    So can anyone tell me how to patch this up ?

    Regards, Xeross

  5. An other little thing to improve

    Executing characters_auctionhousebot_update.sql, it will say that this column already exist:

    Query : /*Table structure for table `auctionhousebot` */ ALTER TABLE `auctionhousebot` ADD COLUMN `percentgreytradegoods` int(11) defa...

    Error Code : 1060

    Duplicate column name 'percentgreytradegoods'

    Execution Time : 00:00:00:000

    Transfer Time : 00:00:00:000

    Total Time : 00:00:00:000

    That sql file is only for ancient installations of auctionhousebot.

  6. Aside from whitespace errors at lines 3461 and 3477, your AHBot repo applied flawlessly to MaNGOS 9798, xeross. :)

    After updating some other patches and my database, I'm looking forward to taking the "new" AHbot for a spin.

    I was looking at the AHBot code from Trinity and was wondering why they chose to use vectors? I had the thought of attempting to port over some of the extensive config options from their AHBot.

    What kind of options are we talking about, per item sell values and that kind of stuff ?

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