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Everything posted by xzbbzx

  1. I tried using playerbot this summer. My last pull was on the 27th or 28th of july, and these where some wierd things I experienced: If you bot add a hunter who has no pet "equipped", it will try to summon it in an infinite loop. The hunter should try to summon it only once, whether it is successful or not. If you add a warlock, it will summon a demon and cast soul link continuously (my lock does demonology), and again, it is something that should be done only once.
  2. I can confirm de bug on map change. I've compiled with Visual Studio 2008, for 64 bit system. My OS is Windows Vista x64 (Ultimate). It crashed when going from gmisland to stormwind.
  3. What differences are there in these playerbots? http://github.com/playerbot/mangos/tree/master http://github.com/winslow/Playerbot/tree/master
  4. Is it still crashing as much as people reported?
  5. I think it is: git://github.com/playerbot/mangos.git
  6. No, it would block the actual thread until there was no other thread in that part of the code. The "primary thread", the one running the actual server wouldn't be blocked.
  7. Not exactly. From what I've read in the thread (haven't looked at core closely), if there are many auctions that have expired, the whole server will be blocked until it finishes. Doing it as a separate thread will let the let of the server continue with its stuff while a separate thread will be working with the auction stuff.
  8. Implementing a mutex would be quite simple. You wouldn't even need to touch the rest of the core. Just put the mutex in the AuctionHouseMgr where the code which makes the calls to other functions is, and that would be it.
  9. Does playing with playerbots "normally" (ie. not dueling it, but just doing quests with it) crash the server? I'm planning to compile the next rev update with it, and I don't want a crashing server (so if it crashes, I'll wait a bit more to compile with it ) BTW, very nice work
  10. After doing the update, you've completed the quest right? (btw, if it's because of the rev you've put there, you should have a message in the mangos window... check and see )
  11. You might want to put this query on your db: -- Prevent DK from getting Extra Talent Point UPDATE quest_template SET BonusTalents=0 WHERE BonusTalents>0; -- In Service of the lich king give all talent point UPDATE quest_template SET BonusTalents=46 WHERE entry=12593; This makes the DK have all its talent points when he completes the first quest (In Service of the lich king).
  12. Do these last patches affect group trade or anything of the sort? (the one I use doesn't let you follow, etc, and I read that the one that lets you follow had another problem)
  13. I tried Naicisum's ahbot, but I didn't get the buyer to work... I will try Gigelf's again...
  14. Yep, I've got an axe in off hand.
  15. http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=60103 It always says that you need a weapon to be equipped, even though you have equipped one.
  16. Spells: 48389, 48392, 48393 It should increase melee and spell damage, but atm only increases melee. http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=48393
  17. I don't understand the slightest bit what patterns there are in the blinking in the video so as to understand how blink works on offi. Only thing I've managed to see is that it lets you do a blink even though the terrain is a bit higher or lower than you, but not if there's a cliff or something similar.
  18. The only thing is that you should select the sql's for the same table (ie. don't merge sqls for characters and realmd ). Anyway, very good app
  19. Thx, but if I do this wouldn't it make new player not learn their default spells? Because it would be a bit tyring to do this to every new player made. The ideal thing would be that learnDefaultSpells saved the spells to the character data directly, like every other spell learnt.
  20. Yeah, the problem is that with the current way the defaults work, you need to apply on every login, otherwise, they won't even know how to speak (because these default spells aren't saved in the player data, strangely). So even though they "learnt" the default spells, they need to learn them every time you login At least, this is what I've made out of what I've seen in-game and in code... but maybe I'm wrong
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