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Everything posted by yip328

  1. Question regarding this topic. What if I put all the necessary update SQL files in one folder, and do "cat *.sql" to concatenate them into one big SQL file? It worked fine until a few months ago. Yeah, it's a very primitive way of doing it though. Thanks
  2. Make sure you have the package, libmysql++-dev, installed on Ubuntu.
  3. If your db_version table says you're at 8840 and if that's the latest in updates folder, I guess you're set with the updates.
  4. First, you gotta find out which version of Mangos DB you're at. Easiest way, if you're on Linux, install phpmyadmin (GUI for managing database). On Ubuntu, sudo aptitude install phpmyadmin will do the trick. Login, and navigate to Mangos DB and click on "db_version" table. On the right side, you'll see something along the line of "required_####_..._mangos_..." where #### is where you're at. Work up from there. EDIT: ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 1: Unknown column 'required_8731_01_mangos_creature_template' in 'db_version' means exactly what it says. You need 8731_01_mangos_creature_template.sql before you can import 8749_01_mangos_mail_loot_template.sql.
  5. Yes. Just as the errors say. DBC files are extracted from the incompatible version of client.
  6. Maybe it's not it, but I see your libACE.so is red. In mine, it's a symlink to libACE-5.6.6.so, and red typically denotes that the link is broken. It may be the cause, but also it may be nothing. Here's my lib folder: jellyb@momserv:~/momd313/r8526/lib$ ll total 5.6M -rwxr-xr-x 1 jellyb jellyb 2.3M 2009-09-22 00:30 libACE-5.6.6.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 jellyb jellyb 970 2009-09-22 00:30 libACE.la lrwxrwxrwx 1 jellyb jellyb 15 2009-09-22 00:30 libACE.so -> libACE-5.6.6.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 jellyb jellyb 1007 2009-09-22 00:30 libmangosscript.la lrwxrwxrwx 1 jellyb jellyb 24 2009-09-22 00:30 libmangosscript.so -> libmangosscript.so.0.0.0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 jellyb jellyb 24 2009-09-22 00:30 libmangosscript.so.0 -> libmangosscript.so.0.0.0 -rwxr-xr-x 1 jellyb jellyb 3.4M 2009-09-22 00:30 libmangosscript.so.0.0.0
  7. That's at least how I understood it. Yes please... If you could further verify it, it'd be great, since my knowledge with SQL is very limited at this point. I'll dig more into udb forums as well and see if I could come up with more useful information regarding this issue.
  8. I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear in my last post. What I meant to say was that if you use characters.sql and realmd.sql, they already include 380, 381, 382 and updates from mangos/sql/updates. So, you don't have to touch those 2 databases after importing them from mangos/sql. Let me know if i'm not making clear this time.
  9. But to my understanding, if you take realmd.sql and characters.sql from mangos/sql, you no longer need to update them with anything else including 381 and 382. Correct me if I'm wrong though. The way I figured out was by checking their db_version tables in each of them. Let me know of what you find. I'm not proficient in SQL.
  10. I'm glad that it's working. The reason I imported characters.sql and realmd.sql from mangos/sql is that they're always at the most recent versions. So, you don't have to worry about updating them like you did in step 4.
  11. Try importing UDB_0.11.5_Core_7681_SD2_1012.sql into mangos database instead of sql/mangos.sql. Please refer to my post #99 on this thread. And let us know if that works out for you.
  12. Yes, the OP badlly needs to be updated. I might later post a new Howto for Mangos and Ubuntu. For the mean time, look at post #99 in this thread. They were my notes and about a month old. Mangos DB incremental updates should be updated.
  13. Current supported client version is 3.1.3, and that's where you should get maps from. And yes, the guide is a bit outdated: ACID is at 3.0.0. http://www.scriptdev2.com/acid-3-0-t4502.html Dang .. seems like mangos doesn't like you .. Joking aside, I did a little research on your git error, and some people are experiencing similar problems on Jaunty 9.04. But I just tested it, and it went fine on my standalone 9.04 server. jellyb@momserv:~/playground$ git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git Initialized empty Git repository in /home/jellyb/playground/mangos/.git/ remote: Counting objects: 35990, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7052/7052), done. remote: Total 35990 (delta 29093), reused 35778 (delta 28884) Receiving objects: 100% (35990/35990), 28.93 MiB | 301 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (29093/29093), done. Is it specific to your new install? Can you run git on your regular machine?
  14. Yeah .. other than those.. I"m really out of ideas... try the 9.04 in a VM first. So that you know it's working before you deploy it to a real server. When I tried it this afternoon, it was in a VM too. In case you wanna reproduce the exact same steps I did, here's how I installed it... (notes of steps that I took.. ask me if any steps doesn't make sense to you): ========================== NOTES ### Updated for Mangos(r8429) and ScriptDev2(r1373) on 2009-08-27 # Lines after "$" are actual commands. # Lines after "#" or "#"s are comments and descriptions. # MANGOS=$HOME/momserv313 # momd313 is where everything Mangos related resides. # myup = mysql -uroot -pmangos ========================== DEPENDENCIES # "sudo aptitude install" the following: build-essential git-core subversion automake libtool zlibc libmysql++-dev \\ libssl-dev unrar p7zip-full pkg-config # If you're used to using apt-get, it's fine too. Just don't mix the two. ========================== II) COMPILING MANGOS AND SCRIPTDEV2 ### Downloading mangos and scriptdev2 sources @$MANGOS/ $ git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git $ svn co [url]http://scriptdev2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scriptdev2[/url] \\ mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2 ### Apply the ScriptDev2 patch to Mangos @$MANGOS/ $ git apply src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-8273-ScriptDev2.patch $ autoreconf --install --force --verbose $ mkdir build && cd build $ export MANGOS=$HOME/momserv313 ### The usual configure; make; make install @$MANGOS/build/ $ ../configure --prefix=$MANGOS/r8429 \\ --sysconfdir=$MANGOS/sysconfdir --datadir=$MANGOS/datadir --enable-cli \\ CXXFLAGS="-march=native -O2 -pipe" CFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS}" $ make -j3 #3:49.7 (i7-920), 9:49 (core2-e6600) $ make install ========================== EDIT: # Package "p7zip-full" is not necessary. # Package "unrar" is to later extract UDB.
  15. Could it be that your ssl version is incompatible (possibly a bit outdated?) with mangos? Just guessing here. I see that you're using Ubuntu 8.10. I'd suggest that you try either compiling openssl from source (I've never tried though), or you could test the newer Ubuntu 9.04 in a VM environment. VirtualBox is the easy way.
  16. Alright guys. I will recompile it from fresh with newest versions, and see if I can come up with the errors you guys are encountering. Give me a couple of hours. As soon as I have results, I will update this post. ----- EDIT: Just tested. It compiled successfully. This was tested on Ubuntu Server 9.04 X86_64. (mangos-r8429 / sd2-r1373) The following are the packages I've installed: build-essential git-core subversion automake libtool zlibc libmysql++-dev libssl-dev unrar pkg-config Try a fresh download of sources (i.e. Mangos and SD2) and compile please. I've ran into weird problems in the past, because I just ran the updates on the sources. Let me know how it goes.
  17. Yes. Make sure you guys have the package, pkg-config, installed. The package name may vary on other distributions though. This requirement has been added per the following commit by VladimirMangos: http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commit/f3a5a93eb32a0184758cbbe7b0af67e078ed95ee
  18. Can you paste your output of configure and make in "pastebin.ca"? I'll see if I can spot what went wrong.
  19. You sure it's not at make process rather than make install? Anyway, did you get any error output when you applied the patch from the svn? I'm assuming you meant Step 3. Lately, I always do "git apply" instead of "git am", since the later usually spits out errors.
  20. Usernames and passwords are hashed using sha1sum in the form of 'USERNAME:PASSWORD'. So, for an account with a username "jondoe" with a password "jdpass": $ echo -n 'JONDOE:JDPASS' | sha1sum e7f59ba4ba2ad383e27d0f31e589d9e7c70211f2 - Note that all letters are transformed into uppercases then hashed.
  21. Not quite sure what you meant by "encryption for the database passwords". But to set up an account (assuming you're talking about players' accounts with certain gmlevels): After running mangos-worldd and at the same prompt: - To create a user account: account create PLAYER_NAME PASSWORD [ENTER] account set gmlevel PLAYER_NAME # [ENTER] where # is 3 for Admin.
  22. Are you on the same subnet as the server? Most likely it's the values in the "realmlist" table inside "realmd" database. Double check "address" and "port". Also, make sure username and pw inside mangosd.conf and realmd.conf are what they supposed to be.
  23. Ha! It will be worth the troubles in the end. Assuming you're trying this out on a headless Ubuntu server, I suggest you install the following packages: - phpmyadmin: Great remote MySQL administration web frontend. After installation, just go to http://ServerIP/phpmyadmin - openssh-server: SSH server, so that you can comfortably work from a laptop while watching TV And if you're following this guide to install databases, there are already a few significant updates. Well, I made a note of myself of what I had to do in order to setup updated databases. So, here's a snippet of my notes: # I'm lazy so... # export $MANGOS=$HOME/mangos-313 # alias myup='mysql -uroot -pYOUR_DB_PASSWORD' # Lines starting with '$' are actual commands # Import 0.11.5 Core from UDB # Note that empty mangos db is not imported from $MANGOS/sql/mangos.sql, because I once ran into problems with core patches and updatepacks from UDB. @ $MANGOS/udb/Full_DB/ $ unrar e UDB_0.11.5_Core_7681_SD2_1012.rar $ myup mangos < UDB_0.11.5_Core_7681_SD2_1012.sql # Updating with corepatches and updatepacks @ $MANGOS/udb/Updates/0.11.5_additions/ $ myup mangos < 380_corepatch_mangos_7682_to_7894.sql $ myup mangos < 380_updatepack_mangos.sql $ myup mangos < 381_corepatch_mangos_7895_to_8029.sql $ myup mangos < 381_updatepack_mangos.sql $ myup mangos < 382_corepatch_mangos_8030_to_8280.sql $ myup mangos < 382_updatepack_mangos.sql # Mangos DB incremental updates (as of 2009-08-02) @ $MANGOS/ $ myup mangos < mangos/sql/updates/8294_01_mangos_playercreateinfo_action.sql # ACID DB patch @ $MANGOS/ $ myup mangos < 3.0.0_acid.sql # ScriptDev2 DB patch @ $MANGOS/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/ $ myup mangos < mangos_scriptname_full.sql ######## Characters Database Installation (Updates not needed as of this writing) @ $MANGOS/ $ myup characters < mangos/sql/characters.sql ######## Realmd Database Installation (Updates not needed as of this writing) @ $MANGOS/ $ myup realmd < mangos/sql/realmd.sql ######## Scriptdev2 Database and Updates # Create Scriptdev2 database and structure @ $MANGOS/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/ $ myup < scriptdev2_create_database.sql $ myup scriptdev2 < scriptdev2_create_structure_mysql.sql # Populate Scriptdev2 database with data @ $MANGOS/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/ $ myup scriptdev2 < scriptdev2_script_full.sql ####################################### Let me know if I'm doing something wrong.
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